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Sep 19, 2014
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Hello :) I'm a new bunny owner of 6 months now. I have an almost 7 month old bunny named Knight. I've been seeing lots of people (including my friends) letting their bunnies run free. I have 2 full rooms to myself that both connect. One room is her room where her cage is, she plays, and sleeps. I would love to let her run in both rooms freely, but she is sorta bad... She chews my wall and chews up my carpet but I've learned that spraying Vinegar or hairspray keeps her away for a good hour until she'll go back. (She gets mad when she smells either or lol) The room she's in is pretty much a storage room for now that has bins and boxes and also wires that I block off with a bunny play pen taken apart.
While that works, I don't have 80 bucks to buy a new one to block off underneath my bed (I'll need at least 2) I can even fit under it it's so open! I don't want her under there. Any advise as to what I can block it off with? That's cheap and doesn't look crappy. Also, in my room I have a good amount of wires exposed. What can I use to cover them?
Another question I have is if you let your bunny run freely and is litter trained, do you still find spots they pee at? My bunny is litter trained and always goes back in her cage during play time to pee, but poos wherever she pleases. (Which I rather it be poo then pee lol) My carpet is a light tan color and the spot she peed at when I first brought her home is very visible. Every cleaning product I used wouldn't remove the stain.
I'm more worried of her chewing my furniture and somehow getting ahold of the wires. I really don't want to spray everything with Vinegar.. Will she grow out of the chewing stage when she gets older?
One more question, do you think she's too young to run freely even while I'm home? I don't want her to get use to it because she has to go back in her cage when I leave for class. She HATES to be picked up so I just wait for her to jump back in her cage when playtime is over.
Thanks for reading! :)

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