Need some advice,,,,

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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
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London, UK
So I go on about my rabbits to everyone lol. Everyone knows all about my buns lol!

But I was talking to a mate of mine.....let's call him Grant. Anyway I was just saying how wonderful they were, and what antics they had got up to that day, and he suddenly said 'Oh I think I'll get a bunny'.

And it just made me worry, because I don't think he realises that bunny's need probably more care than dogs and cats.

I tried to subtly hint to him, but he wasn't very interested- almost seemed insulted that I had implied he couldn't care for them.

I just can't see a rabbit go to a bad home.

Shall I be annoying and give him lots of info and websites, and tell him to check them out before he even considers it? Or should I just be respectful and leave him to it?

Because its not that people are cruel, they are just so so ignorant.

And he also has 4 cats, which he doesn't take care of- his parents do.

I just feel that whenever someone who knows nothing about rabbits, says they want to get one, I feel I just have to give them all the information I know, even if they don't want it, because it might make them stop and think 'oh actually I won't- I didn't realise', or they might just go 'wow I know so much more about them- I really want to commit'

But the fact he won't even listen to me, and brushes what i say aside makes me worry...

Be respectful and give him information *nods*

I think giving the information is the best idea. You're not going to lose anything, and potentially he might learn something. If an owner is serious, and you do it in the right way, they will be grateful.

Recently one of the therapists I was seeing mentioned about getting a rabbit and was asking me about what breed would be best for X, Y, Z. I know she would be a great owner but I also know that maybe she doesn't know as much as she could, so I just printed out all the info I give out at the RSPCA and gave it to her and she was really chuffed. She went away and read it all in great detail and took it all on board. The point being that I felt awkward doing that, and like I was annoying, but she was really grateful and appreciated it. So I would say go with your gut instinct and give the information. It's not going to do any harm.
I would try to give him lots of information. They can be very expensive if they get sick. Also they can eat your carpet, walls, and really make a mess. You have to bunny proff your house, they will eat cords which depending on what one they east can be expensive to replace. If I felt like he wasn't taking the information I said to heart I would try to get him to talk to someone at a local rabbit rescue. They maybe able to get through to him more. If you can get him to join this website I would do that. There is a lot of information on what people need when owning a bunny. Good luck that has to be very frustrating for you. Hopefully something you will say or show him will change his mind. If it doesn't know that you did everything you can. Good luck
I would give him a lot of info. Also, you could go on vacation for a weekend and let him take care of the bunny--make sure he changes the litter every day to get the whole smelly part--to see if that changes his mind. Of course don't go too far away in case you're worried he might screw it up. He couldn't do too much damage in a single weekend and it could be a real learning experience for him.
I'd give him the info, too. If he thinks you're annoying, then just imagine how annoyed he'll be when he can't figure out why the new rabbit doesn't use a litter box, why it would have chewed up his computer wires, why it ruined his carpet. Never mind the issues that come up regarding health. He'll need to realize that seemingly harmless symptoms that he might see with his cat can be life or death with his rabbit.

The most you can do is offer the information and try to start a conversation about their care... work their negative traits into one of your stories you tell him about your buns. I have run into this situation quite a bit, but MOST people are willing to learn, once you find a way to get through to them. And many of them have changed their minds once they know what they are really in for.

Even if he doesn't listen in the beginning, maybe he'll at least come to you (knowing you're knowledgeable) when he needs help.
Instead of worrying whether or not people can take care of them- I educate them and then push them out the door to go get a rabbit! Might as well give it a chance. If it works out, that's one less rabbit sitting in the shelter.
Thanks for your advice :)

I think I will go with the whole info info thing.

It's just..he's very...well he likes to think he's right about lots of things, and I think I will really annoy him if I try to let him know I know a lot more about this than him, and he should listen to me.

He's sort of a 'I know more than a woman' kind of guy, which makes him sound bad but it's not like that at all. He's just like that.

I tried it the other night- as soon as we got onto the subject of my rabbits I just sort of rambled, hoping and hoping he didn't think I was lecturing him- I sort of tried to make it sound like conversation like:

'Can you believe this- I was talking to someone the other day and they were saying how easy rabbits are to look after! I mean...clearly they don't know a thing about rabbits blah blah'

But he didn't seem too impressed...:( He kept saying 'oh yeah well sure/obviously' in a kind of irritated way. :S

And plus he always has loads of mates round his house to watch football and parties n stuff, all guys being noisy, getting drunk and breaking things...and I just worry so so much about rabbits being there.......

ARG this is so annoying. I really don't want to sound 'holier than thou' but I would prefer that than an ignorant owner at the bunny's expense.

PLUS! He never has any money......ever! So how can he take care of a rabbit? They cost so much!

Thanks for letting me rant, and more so replying to my rants! :)
At the end of the day, you can't do much. Giving the info is the best thing you can do (also maybe give him the forum addy too). Give him the info and then let him do as he chooses (go by the quote in my sig), but also be there and be willing to 'pick up the pieces' if necessary.

Good luck.

(oh and randomly, but we both joined the forum two years ago today).
Lol! Oh yeah! I didn't even notice :)

Thanks yeah I will. I guess noone can force anyone to do anything. :(
Thanks :)

I was planning to ramble tonight at dinner, but maybe I won't now lol......would kind of ruin the dinner anyway lol.

I'll just make sure I'm there if (or when!) he needs advice. And I'll coincidentally stop by his place to see him (aka check out the buns living space and food etc.) lol. Hehehe.....

In all seriousness he hasn't even got a rabbit yet and may not! So I should really stop worrying. But I would rather give him all the info BEFORE he got it, rather than a month in making him realise, and chance the poor thing going to a shelter.....well.......actually it wouldn't- it would come home with me, no doubt about it. But still.
Maybe just print a load out and give it to him in an envelope or something? Then he can choose to read it in his own time and it gives him more control. Written info also means he can go back and reference it in the future if he does have a problem or question.
Yeah and info is so different to someone sitting there rambling for ages.

That's a good idea. Right- if he does tell me hes serious about it- info pack coming his way!!

Although to be quite frank anyone in their right mind should get lots of info before they get a pet- it's common sense! With my buns, cats and dogs I have about 6 books and countless printouts in folders so I was totally certain.
:) i hope so.

This convo is really showing how little faith I have in humans.

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