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Apr 15, 2017
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Hey guys. I just got my lion head last week. I've had them years ago as a kid but wanted to ask if there was any good treats a rabbit may like. He's a indoor bunny, estimated age would be a little more or less than 6 months. Thanks y'all!

I get rice treats from petco and my rabbits LOVE them. As soon as I pull out the package they go nuts for them. Definitely think your bun would like them too. View attachment ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1492249754.435791.jpg

I also would recommend the Kaytee forti diet healthy bits. My rabbits love these, too. View attachment ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1492249821.858848.jpg got these from my local grocery store, so idk where theyd be available for you!

Then these corn treats. You can either pop them or let the bunnies eat it like it is. Mine love these as well! View attachment ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1492249871.399965.jpg got these from petco.
Treats with corn and rice are not good for bunnies (it predisposes them to GI issues- some rabbits do fine and some do not). A healthy diet is mostly hay (timothy is cheapest for me, but any hay expect alfalfa is good), and should be given 24/7. Fresh greens are also a part of a healthy diet in smaller amounts (~1 cup/day depending on the side of the rabbit; the House Rabbit Society suggests the size of their head's worth). Given throughout the day, these work well as treats! Very small amounts of fruit (e.g. like 1/4 of a strawberry) are also wonderful treats, but are very sugary any should be given sparingly.

In terms of store bought treats, I use Oxbow baked treats- I break them up though. They are not great for them, but we mainly use them for special occasions. I also like to portion out my rabbits normal pellet ration and use those throughout the day as treats, but we don't give many pellets.

You bunny is a cutie and good luck!!
I also give oxbow treats, they are a healthier choice. I give pellets as treats and bribes also, instead of just giving them a pile once a day. They love fruit too, especially banana, apple, and Craisins.
You could get a small hard plastic treat ball, fill it with some pellets and broken up oxbow cookie, and let bunny roll it around trying to get the treats out. It's a great activity for them and they are surprisingly good at it! I've done it with five different rabbits now and they all pick it up in no time.
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I get rice treats from petco and my rabbits LOVE them. As soon as I pull out the package they go nuts for them. Definitely think your bun would like them too. ]

I also would recommend the Kaytee forti diet healthy bits. My rabbits love these, too. got these from my local grocery store, so idk where theyd be available for you!

Then these corn treats. You can either pop them or let the bunnies eat it like it is. Mine love these as well! got these from petco.

Sorry, mickeyandluna, but none of these products should be fed to a rabbit. Rice, seeds, corn -- none should be fed to a rabbit. General rule of thumb is that store bought treats are baad.

MyBeardedBunny, your new bunny is adorable. He is right at the age of being considered an adult (6-7 months). That means he can have an adult diet.

- unlimited grass hay (no alfalfa)
- plain, timothy-based pellets (about 1/4 cup per day)
- daily greens (slowly introduced if he hasn't had them before)
- occasional treat of fresh (or dried) fruit - not until he's used to a diet that includes daily greens. 1 tbsps worth max per day

To introduce greens (think dark leaf lettuces, basil, cilantro, parsley, mint...) offer a small (palm-size) amount of a chosen green. If he takes it, offer the same for a couple days in a row. You'll be checking for any change in poos. If they get mushy, back off and give him time to return to normal. Then you can try a different green. If he tolerates the first green, then you add that to your list of things he can eat and try another.
Once you have a variety of greens, he can work up to eating 2-4 cups of greens every day.
Sorry, mickeyandluna, but none of these products should be fed to a rabbit. Rice, seeds, corn -- none should be fed to a rabbit. General rule of thumb is that store bought treats are baad.

MyBeardedBunny, your new bunny is adorable. He is right at the age of being considered an adult (6-7 months). That means he can have an adult diet.

- unlimited grass hay (no alfalfa)

- plain, timothy-based pellets (about 1/4 cup per day)

- daily greens (slowly introduced if he hasn't had them before)

- occasional treat of fresh (or dried) fruit - not until he's used to a diet that includes daily greens. 1 tbsps worth max per day

To introduce greens (think dark leaf lettuces, basil, cilantro, parsley, mint...) offer a small (palm-size) amount of a chosen green. If he takes it, offer the same for a couple days in a row. You'll be checking for any change in poos. If they get mushy, back off and give him time to return to normal. Then you can try a different green. If he tolerates the first green, then you add that to your list of things he can eat and try another.

Once you have a variety of greens, he can work up to eating 2-4 cups of greens every day.

My vet said all of these treats were fine as long as they were fed in moderation
My rabbit is fond of freeze dried fruit, in particular strawberries. Also plain popcorn is another favorite, as well as bran flakes. Just like everything, everything in moderation- including moderation. I've given her a small cube of sweet potato every now and then when I'm prepping dinner.
Welcome to RO! Your bunny is super adorable :hearts

My bunnies love VitaKraft Nibble Rings. Yes, they do have ground corn in them *hides* My 8 year old Dunkin has been getting them most of his life though. He gets one a few times a week.


Oxbow makes healthy treats sold at Petsmart. I've never actually bought them because they are kinda pricey for the amount you get. I cannot comment on how bunnies like them. I imagine they would love them though.

The healthiest treats as always are fruits. Like some banana or apple. Moderation is key with any treat! :)
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