Neuturing and Spaying?

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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2013
Reaction score
Lancashire, United Kingdom
Hi, I have just recently got brother and sister 7 week old buns. They're living together but I'm just wondering.
- At what age do they need their VHD and Myxomatosis injections?
- What age do they need to be neutered and spayed?
- In England how much do all of these cost?

I study animal care and I already know to get the male done first as he will mount the girl and then I will get the girl done as it prevents cancer. It was when I first started I learnt about the vaccinations and it's gone way above my head I have forgot.

Thank you for your help!

Snuggles off Henry and Daisy :sunshine:
I don't know about the vaccinations as we don't need them over here. I also don't know the costs of things where you are, so not much help there.

For neuters, they can usually be done once the testicles drop. This does vary from rabbit to rabbit. Some vets do prefer to wait a bit longer, usually around 4-5 months. This does mean they can be fertile and able to get a female pregnant. Spaying can usually be done around 5-6 months. Females can be fertile around 4 months. Males can still have viable sperm for a few weeks after being neutered, so still need to be kept separate from intact females for at least a month, but longer and be safer.
I would suggest separating them around 10 weeks old until she is spayed and healed. You can keep the cages near each other, but a small gap is good to keep them from breeding between the bars. You would not be able to let them interact without a barrier as it only takes a few seconds for them to mate. It is better to the safe and have them separate than risk pregnancy.
Once they are both done and healed, you can work on bonding them. If they are kept close to each other and don't have bad experiences (like fights or other issues), bonding should not be too difficult.
Ok so they need separating at 10 weeks. I'm just worried that if I separate then they will never bond again, as in 3 months time we're building them a large outdoor cage/run and would like them to be together. They're great together now but I don't want any surprising kits lol.
You can probably wait longer then 10 weeks :)

The age you get them done is up to you and the vet.
If you find a vet that is comfortable, and deems the rabbits an appropriate size, they can do them at a younger age. And as long as the boys testes have dropped.
My 2 were 3-3.5 months I think when I had them done, same situation, brother and sister, and I was not going to seperate them and allow them to un bond. But also not going to wait until 6 months and allow brother to mate with sister.
Cost wise it doesnt matter where you are, it can range from $20 to $400 depending on the vet. Ask around, ask if they include premeds, anesthetic, sutures, etc with the quoted cost. Ask if they require the animals to be fasted (if the reception says this, ask if its the vets oppinion as this is a nono) ask if they use internal sutures to close the incision or external. Dont want anything hanging there to be chewed at. Lots of questions to ask before you go in and decide based on price.

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