Bunnies on a lead

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Mar 9, 2004
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Welsh girl (South Wales), , United Kingdom
I have a large garden but at the moment it isn'tbunny proof and i don't have a large run for chubbs either as he's ahouse bunny. I just wondered what your thoughts are on putting bunny'son a lead and taking them for a walk in the garden.


Ceri (Welsh Girl)
Hi, You can try to do it but, don't expect Chubbsto like being on a lead. I've only had one rabbit that didn't mind it.I found an old wooden babies playpen (bottom removed) and I put wiremesh around the sides, for my guys when they are in the yard. I keepany eye on them so they don't dig a tunnel to China! Charlotte

Hi Ceri,

It's fine, just be sure you have a harness for the rabbit, not acollar, and be ready to give your bunny some slack, and follow himaround.

Tucker doesn't really like going outside. He's quite at ease with aroof over his head. Outside, he doesn't relax. He's not too crazy aboutbirds and I'm always watching for neighbors cats. I'm sure if I had agarden to put him in, it'd be Heaven on Earth for him.

One other note is to be sure that he doesn't eat grass or plants that have been treated with chemicals.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Hey Dootsmom,

Cher has her two rabbits Jezebel and Jazz in China, and there's anotherposter in here from Singapore. They'd be in good company if they wereto end up there, but it is a long way from home.

Hi Carolyn, That's right, she's teaching there. Itwould be great if she met up with a few friends from "home". Her"pepper-mill" poops was the greatest analogy, I laughed so much! Seeyou soon. Charlotte P.S. Did you see HH's post this morning? I believedit, at first!

Hi Charlotte!

That HankHanky had me lock, stock, and barrel. What a brat! (Not).

Yes, Cher and her pepper grinder is something I've laughed about morethan once too. She's too much. She so adores those lucky bunnies, andthey try to trick her with the poopin on the couch still. Did she tellyou how one will act like her pants are the most interesting thingshe's ever seen, creating a distraction so that the partner could geton the couch and mess on it. Cher's too smart for that though. She wentwabbit huntin that day with her watergun!

She gave you kudos a while back in here for the tarp idea on the couch. :)

Have used harnesses on various bunnies in thepast. Some advice, in passing. Buy web strap typeharnesses for cats, or rabbit specific. Do not buy the"string" or colored "cord" type that may place undue pressure on therabbit's parts.

Buy a harness whose buckle(s) is(are) slip-friction type, and thusinfinitely adjustable, and not buckle(s) with a tine that fits intoadjustment holes, and are easily "stepped out of" by a cleverbunny. Ask me how I know that? :shock:

Obtain a light metal chain leash for the harness, for, again, a cleverbunny can bite through a web strap, leather strap, cord strap, in aflash and be gone. Ask me how I know that one, too? :D

Actually, be aware that the rabbit may chew through its harness, aswell. So,do keep an eye on it at all times.Generally, the rabbit "walks you," in as much as it goes where it wantsto go, and you follow, keeping it from going underneath cars, trucks,hedges, bushes and other cracks and crevices that seem to enticelagomorphs. A leash and a harness also gives you the means toswoop up your furry little friend in case some antagonistic otheranimal or predator type should suddenly come along.

Eventually, I found that my best solution to the leash problem, for dogleashes were too heavy, was to go to Home Depot/Lowes and purchase theexact length and weight of chain I desired and adding a leather handleand snap fitting at either end.

All the other advice in the posts above, of course, is quite sound and should be considered.

Many rabbits tolerate the lead very well.We have had some panic when constrained by a lead, so try it out firstin a small area.

Bummer, Buck! The rabbit escaped fromyour harness? I'd have a heartattack if that ever happenedwith Tucker-Bucker.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Once I was being a 'good daughter' and visited my mom's friend withher. Of course the subject of rabbits came up with me in theroom, and the lady proceeded to say the following: "Rabbitsare dumb animals though. My daughter had put her rabbit on aleash in the yard and one day she went outside and the rabbit hadjumped over a bush and hung itself."

Net Net: It was the woman's daughter that was stupid! Havingnot known the actions and behaviors of a rabbit, the little onecould've just binkied and ended up hung up on the tree, hence hangingitself.

I'm sorry if this story upsets you as much as I do, but given thetopic, I thought I should just mention it. You can't tie arabbit up to a tree like you would a dog.

Oh, my goodness!! What a horrible story! It is areminder though that we have to watch them, like a Hawk would, whenthey are outside. I wouldn't tie my dog to a tree either, as they canget tangled up too. I wish there was a school or store where you couldgo and get/buy "common sense"!

My Frenchie has a thing about attacking the broom. One daysmartie-pants me decided that I wanted to sweep and get the job donequickly. So I grabbed him and put him in one of those crochetedshopping bags (like the ones grand-ma always had in her pocket-book).Within 2 seconds, he had chewed his way out of it! It was a gentlereminder of what they can do, and how much trouble they can get into,once they set their minds to it. Had that "bag" fallen on the floor andone of the rabbits gotten caught in it...who knows what could havehappened.

Our Buns are so much like children. We have to have that "third eye"that's in the back of our heads, always on the look-out for things thaycan hurt themselves on or in. Charlotte
"I wish there was a school or store where you could go and get/buy "common sense"!

* * * * * * * *

You're not kidding! I was so annoyed with that lady forcalling the rabbits stupid. This woman is also still mad atthe British for the Revolutionary War. Can't expectmuch from someone like that. Fools!


I bought a harness for my bunny. It's pink armypatterned with a little bell on it lol. She chews on the leash though.She doesn't like it and she goes crazy when I put her on it, but maybeshe'll get used to it. I haven't taken her outside yet, I'm waiting forit to dry up out there. I read that when you're bunny is on a leash,you're supposed to let them walk you basically. I took Peppy everywherewith me, I took him on the Subway and streetcars and to the postoffice.... he doesn't mind his harness, but Megan does, so it goes toshow everyone's different! Anyway, and suggestions on how to make mybun relax a little before I take her outside... I don't want her tofreak out and somehow get off her leash and run away forever :(
Hey!! I laughed outloud at your rabbit trying todig its way to China, since mine do the opposite and try like hell digto Canada.......(you would think they would know they were bornHERE!! but alas they don't....so perchance your bun is just trying tomeet up with my two, then they could all cause mass destructiontogether :p


That's too funny, Cher!

I never thought of what the people in China say where their digging would lead them.

Here in the States, the saying is as old as the hills, "...going to dig their way to China!"

Well once I decide to go back home to beautifulCanada *homesickness sets in now and then* I am sure thegirls will then go with the old saying and "try to dig their way toChina";) hehe
