Re-Bonding two Males?

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Jun 24, 2017
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I have two bunnies. My Californian whos name is Orion and a lop named Lani. At the pet store i was told that Lani was a girl cause i was looking for another bunny to have a friend for Orion who i got at the shelter. So i bought lani under the impression that he was a she and lani was a baby (2 months old or something). They did bond, Orion being the dominate one since lani was so small. So a couple months go by and lani is now 5 months old i heard some running and stuff going on in the bunny area of my room and found them fighting, so i separated them. I had this weird feeling to check out lani's gender and thats when i noticed that lani was actually a boy. I had already had a spay appointment set up on monday the 19 of this month and had to switch it to a neuter. But of course even after theyre fixed it takes a couple of weeks for hormones to actually settle. But will my two ever bond again? They used to be really close to each other but now all they want to do is fight. Is there a possible way they would re-bond or hate each other forever? Also are there any bonding tips for two males?
The surgery was just several days ago. It can actually take up to 8 weeks for hormones to fully dissipate.
I'd suggest keeping them totally separate for those 8 weeks. There isn't any benefit to giving them the opportunity to have a scuffle. If they don't seem stressed about it, you could keep the two cages near each other during this time.

When it does come time to bonding them, having neutral territory will be key. This needs to be a place that neither rabbit has ever been before. Whether or not they will bond is anyone's guess. It is up to them (so long as they're provided with the best chance by using neutral territory and following a bonding process). Two males can certainly bond, but it may not be easy. They will be the ones deciding if they will get along.

Here is a guide that explains a couple different bonding methods.
I don't think bonding two males is different from bonding a male / female couple when it comes to the way to do it - like blue eyes said, do it in a neutral territory and when they seem to be ready to be introduced to their new forever (hopefully) territory, the shared territory must be as neutral as possible (cleaned very well to avoid any lingering smells - vinegar, perfume and vaccum cleaner are your best friends). Give them tons of great food during the bonding session to show them that the other bunny is a good thing and distract them from jumping on each other immediately. Use a small room but avoid places where one of the bunnies could be cornered (be mindful of that too in the definitive territory - you never know, a fight could break when you are not there and you want the bunnies to be able to get away should the situation become dire).
Honestly, two males isn't a great combination and it's possible they will never get along. Nevertheless, I've known people who made it work, mainly because they were lucky enough to have a rabbit that was a lot more submissive than the other. You can't know before you try. That's the problem with petshops, when the rabbit isn't deathly ill or doesn't bring mange with them, they are sexed incorrectly or are not at all the breed you were told and end up being giant meat rabbits. Your plight is actually pretty common ^^.
I hope for you that they will get along, as keeping two rabbits separated with alternate outings during the next 10 years is bound to become problematic...