Bunny has to go

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Don't worry, you're not THAT slow. :p

Yes I used to be "M&Smom", but because my private messagesdidn't work with the "&" in my name, we switched it to"MyBunnyBoys". And I'm 16.
I'm so sorry to hear this. I also livein Edmonton I can talk to some friends and see if anyone isinterested in a bunn.
You made me cry !!!!!!! I love this thislittle girl with all of my heart but I know she has togo. It would probably be best if she were anoutdoor Bunny, as many shirts, jackets, blinds, curtains and a coupleof baseboards have been let's just say altered. Weare in the midst of building a new home with lots of woodwork, very expensive woodwork. I know that if Istart looking for a suitable home now I might just find one.If we brought her to the new house and she knawed one thing --- herfate would not be a nice one, :( moretears.......... Thank-you every one with your offers of ahutch, your very kind kind words, and yes-- my husband is a very stubborn controlfreak,(He's become much more contolling over the 10 yearswe've been married) but I do love him,and for the sake of my marriage and to sheild my children from thearguements -- Roxy needs to find a newhome. More tears ........ you folks mustthink I'm a blubbering cry Baby.

But if anyone know of someone who might take her, and give her the homeshe deserves. She is a beautiful grey andwhite Mini Rex,soft as silk,timid but cuddly spayedfemale bunny.


I'mwriting this large so that you see.......

i am the animal lover of my house, they are myresponsibility, little Lyla has also been a little sassy about thechewing as a matter of fact, my husband

had something of his chewed on and it started ww3in the house i told him we simply needed to bunny proof thehouse he wasn't hearing it he said i should have to do thatfor a stupid rabbit i never wanted anyway, that tore the line wefinally calmed down and talked about it lolI won Lyla staysthere are just rules to her house privileges . your bunny is special toyou and i believe that if your husband respects you then he'llunderstand that he cant force you to get rid of the bun!!! i maybestepping out of line saying that and if so i apologize , but thats howi feel!
ohh my- im so sorry, mybunnies. i understand how hard it is to have to get rid of a pet forsomeone else...my ex moved in with me & my rats weremultiplying (long story)...to spare myself his complaining, as well ashaving a gazillion rats in the apartment, i took them all to the petstore. i think about it all the time-how if i wouldve known hed be outof the picture within 6 months, icouldve just kept them& taken better measures to ensure that there wouldnt be anymorebabies. anyway, i feel your pain & im very sorry it had tohappen like this for you. i really hope you can find little roxy awonderful home.

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