what veggies do YOU feed??

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Tarragon and Dill are a few new favorites here...Georgie would like you to know that Tarragon is now his official favorite! it used to be cilantro...but he chose taragon over cilantro tonight!
On a regular basis (this is only for the summer, it's hard to feed so much in the winter) mine get:

- raspberry leaves
- Romaine/green leaf lettuce
- chard
- cilantro
- parsley
- apple tree leaves
- radish leaves
- mint
- savory
- basil
- carrot tops

And then I customize it to each rabbits' specifications on likes and dislikes, LOL. Sometimes I feel like a nutritionist trying to make meal plans for these guys.
I feed parsleys, cilantro, kale, romaine, endive ,radish tops carrot tops, a
little carrot
My dental patient, Beau,gets pumpkin a couple times a week.
I spend an enormous amount of money on greens as I provide them for the shelter rabbits and guinea pigs too.

I wish I could diversify but it just is too expensive.

I think everyone's covered all the veggie options out there.

Our bunnies get a constant variety. In order to keep things fresh, we go through phases. I'll buy arugula, romaine, & parsley...then on the next shopping trip it'll be radicchio, butter lettuce, & dill...then another variety...

I try to buy 3 different base greens and rotate them to make constantly different mixes. I add a few bits of other veggies to the salad along with a small piece of fruit. My bunnies enjoy broccoli, cauliflower, baby carrots, green peppers, red peppers, and the occasional bit of celery. Fruits of choice for them are: blueberries, strawberries, & apples (their 3 favorites). They also eat cherry tomatoes, melons, pineapple, & grapes...but with a bit less enthusiasm.

Cucumbers and zucchini are absolutely rejected in our household.

From the yard/garden I harvest dandelion, lemon balm, mint, beet tops, & radish tops. I've noticed that the wild cottontails in the yard enjoy the flowers from our violets and clover leaves...but I've not researched that enough to know if it's really a good options for our bunnies.

Our rabbits get unlimited timothy hay (with an occasional other hay variety about small bag per month), timothy based pellets in the morning, and a large fresh salad at suppertime.
Can rabbits get sick of the vegetables they eat? Layla gets about 3-4 different vegetables every night, I mean they are the same thing every night, maybe a little more cilantro one night and little more parsley the next.

Lately she hasn't been eating her vegetables at all. in the mornings it looks like she has barely touched them. I'm going to the store this weekend, and try and get something different for her to munch on. then we'll see :)

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