Bunny Ate A Cherry Pit !!

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May 15, 2017
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I truly hope that i am just worrying for nothing, but earlier i had unknowingly nocked over a cap with a couple cherry pits and stems in it onto the floor, later on my bunny Chibi was chewing something up, so i got down on the floor with her to see what it was, and when she went for another of what i thought was just a thick piece of pellet, i swooped my hand under her mouth and pulled away a cherry pit! She has already ingested one, and for all i know she ate the stems as well as i didn't find them when searching for other pits on the floor.

Im just so worried, cherries have cyanid in them and I'm just scared to death. Though she's gotten into avocado from the trash a a long time ago and was still fine, I'm just so worried now.

If anyone has advice or similar stories to share id vary much appreciate it, if she starts acting funny i will wake my mother up and run her to the vet asap.
I had a rabbit that ate the wrapper from a Hershey's kiss. He was fine. My current bunny ate a small cube of cheese that my daughter dropped on the floor. He's fine. Not much you can do now but offer lots of hay and fresh water to help things along. Hopefully he will be just fine.
She would need to eat a lot of pits the get a problematic dose, and they can cope with quite a lot of what plants throw at them in self defense.
Same thing as apple seeds, lots of people keep saying they are toxic, not considering that the rabbit wouldn't survive the several pounds of apple seeds you would need to stuff down his throat to get any toxic effect. Wouldn't feed it pure, but no point in removing the seeds from apples.

Hm, my rabbits never ate the stones when I give them whole cherrys, it wanders from left to right cheek and back for some time, then they spit it out. They look like killer bunnies after that :)

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