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Jun 3, 2015
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Hi there. I've got a dwarf x lion head about 6 months old. He lives in a petstore bought cage, but allowed to have free range when I am at home.
My question.. I am using a towel for his main floor covering. I've read arguments for/against but just looking for advice. Should I switch to the shavings like a hamster cage? I am using the paper shavings for his litter box which he is pretty good with but not always. Looking for a decently easy clean up as I don't want to be changing his flooring constantly
I used to use hay as my buns flooring but when she wasn't good with urinating in her litter box I was constantly changing it which was a pain. Now she is good I use blankys as her flooring, I know she loves it a lot more than hay because as soon as I changed it, she flopped!

I know constantly washing the towel may be annoying but your bun will improve. Is your bun neutered?

When your bun urinates outside of the litter box wipe it up with some toilet paper and place it in the litter box to remind your bun of where to go potty.
No he isn't neutered but very good at the litter box. You think I should keep the towel on the bottom or switch to the shavings for a floor covering?
Oh well that's very good then! 👏🏻
Personally I like using blankys/towels. Easier to clean, I found hay really messy and I'm sure shavings would be too?
I would imagine it's more comfy too 😊
Fleece would be a good option to switch to... If they chew it it won't fray like a towel and cause a blockage.
I believe keep a towel/blanket/fleece. Personal for my two smaller cages I use a mix of shavings/hay and a towel. Shavings for the litter boxes and the other two for comfort (and warmth)

For my big big cages I just put a towel in the nest boxes that are attached to the cage and I put hay in the bedding area. They also have a down stairs area which is a grass that is in top of concrete it's like fake grass but it's real. We buy it in big rolls and put it in there😊
Just a word of caution, watch the hocks. Flooring can sometimes cause them to be inflamed and sore! Just something to monitor always but keep in mind if you start to see a problem!
Yeah I check my buns feet, ears and eyes aswell as a quick check of the coat to make sure they are all good and healthy. Sore hocks can also be caused by constantly being in there pee. If not treated it can lead to bone issues such as rotting of the bone and decay!
What type of pet store cage? Is it a plastic floor? What size is it? How often per day does bunny get out?

Plastic flooring can be too slippery - especially for some rabbits - so it's good that you are putting something down. If he's good with his litter box then you can use any material that he doesn't chew and ingest (varies per bunny). Just try to use something that won't slip on the plastic flooring. A piece of carpet or a bath mat may work better in such a case.

Loose bedding can be used but is costly and may encourage bunny to use it as an 'extra' litter box. Here is a list of other flooring options. (scroll down page once there)

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