What do rabbits eat? please help Y

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Apr 10, 2004
Reaction score
los angeles, California, USA
I just got a rabbit and I dont know what to givehim I gave him lettuce and carrots but he does not eat them then mybrother gave him rice and he really liked it butI dont knowif that is right for them if anyone can help meI wouldappreciated it
First of all, iceberg lettuce is a NO NO. I don'tknow if that's what you gave them, it's very bad for them. Rabbits eatrabbit pellets and timothy hay mostly. (You can get these at feedstores and pet stores.) Carrots and other veg./fruits that are notpoisonous and dangerous to them are a good treat only. It's a myth thatthe children's story books tell, rabbits don't only eat carrots andapples and don't even need them.
Too much veggies isn't good for the rabbit.Pellets and Timothy Hay are a really important part of their diet.Please go buy some as soon as you can :)

Also, about what M&Smom said about the carrots, she is right.They don't need them, and both my rabbits hate them. Rabbitseating carrots all the time is a complete myth :)
Well there ya go :) Rabbits usually hate carrots!My mom's bunny used to eat Rice Krispies... Megan won't eat anythingbut pellets, hay and wallpaper... Peppy will eat celery, hay but nothis pellets... so, everyone bun is different :)

So buy the pellets and timothy hay and tell us how it goes :)
Well I took my bunny in to thevet to get fixed the first week that I had him and his doc who is alady doc. gave me a paper of what he can eat and what he can noteat.

She said that carrots are good for him and Idon't understand that word that u used myth or something likethat.

Your vet is right, there's nothing wrong with carrots, it won't hurt them, I'm just saying most rabbits don't :)

a myth is something that isn't true :)

Rabbits living off carrots is a common misconception, probably given to people by Bugs Bunny :) lol
Myth is a story that's not true. And carrots arenot bad for them, just in large amounts they are. Feeding them astreats is good but a rabbit will not stay healthy only eating carrotsand other fruits and veggies.
Thank you very much! I'm surprised it said "nocereal" my mom's bunny ate Rice Krispies everyday lol. Then again shewas a wild rabbit that they caught and brought home so maybe she had astong stomache or something :S I dunno

Thanks Again!
Hi M&Smom ,
I went in that website on what youcan feed yourrabbitsand it said dont feed your rabbit vitamin/yoghurtdrops.
But i buy mine 4rm a pet store and it says give as snacks in betweenmeals but i give my bunny (fidget) them twice dailey and i gave my lastrabbit (fluffy) them as well.
Am i doing something wrong here?
lots of luv lauren
(and ebs n fudge):?
Just because a pet store sells something, doesn'tmean it's good for them, remember pet stores are in it for the money!Yogurt treats are not healthy for them, despite what pet stores tellyou.
a question about kale...ive read that itcan be toxic in "large" amounts? how accurate is this? and what do youthink consists of a large amount? i give batman about a cup ofgreens(leafy stuff and carrots)daily. the store was out ofdandelion greens& everything else looked kind of ickyso i got some {kale}...do you all think that itd be a good idea to goget something else asap or to go ahead and feed him the kale forawhile?