Just had to tell you this story

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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2004
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Home of the white rabbits, , United Kingdom
At the pet shop today the owner told me about some baby rabbits that she had just taken into her care.

A lady came in with 2 rabbits about 3-4 weeks old.Theirneigbours had moved house and just left Mummy and babieson their own to fend for themselves in the back garden without any typeof hutch! A dog got in and got the babies but the lady managed to savethe two. The mum had got scared and they couldn't findher.The lady at the pet shop looked after the babies and aweeklater they had found the mummy scared and frightened inthe greenhouse!

They are all doing really well now and Mums for sale and the babieswill be next week when they are 8 weeks old. Just had to post this asit made me so mad as it just proves that there are so many people outthere who just see animals as fads and don't realise the longtermcommitment that rabbits are and the love and care that they need!

There has been too may occasions of people who have taken in rabbits(including wild ones)who haven't even known the first thingabout them even with regards to housing and feeding! Obviously I'm notsaying I'm an expert (especially with regards to my unexpected babies)and thereare things that I wouldn't know but IJustwant to urge all new would-be rabbit owners to pleasemake sure that they have done the research and make sure they canafford and provide for them before they invest in one and to givepraise to everyone on here who has taken in and cared forrabbitswhohave been in need or have been neglected:)and have given much needed advice to ensure the well beingof the rabbits on this forum!



Greetings Vickie,

I feel as strongly about these issues as you do.

Look at MyBunnyLovesMe's friend who is going to release a domesticatedrabbit into the wild because she can't keep it. Talk about throw-away.

Tyson is going to look for his timed meals of pellets and the comfortsof home and won't have a clue. I know he'll die soon after released; Ijust hope it's not a violent, long, painful death.

MBLM has tried to the best of her abilities to stop this from happening, but it's the the mentality of some people.

I can't even go there.

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Grant me the Serenity

To accept the things I cannot change;

The courage to change the things I can;

and The wisdom to know the difference.

* * * * * * *

:shock:Thats terrible!! That bunnywouldn't stand a chance! Surely a rabbit sanctuary would be kinder thanthat! It makes me feel so bad bringing more rabbits into the worldknowing that so may are ill treated! I just hope that I find good,loving homes for them - Otherwise I'd rather bring them up on my ownand get them all neutered.

I really hopes MBLM's friend changes her mind. It's a shame I'm surethere would be someone out there who would love to take care of Tyson -Just wish I was on your side of the pond :(
I could've sworn I mentioned somewhere that shewas only joking when she said that. I mean she said it, then afterwardsshe said she would never actually do it. I really hate to see you guysbash on my best friend like that. I've known her since I was4 years old and she's never hurt an animal in her life. She's had manyrabbits, including her rabbits that she thought were girls and turnedout to be a girl and a boy and ended up with 8 babies (who all died:(). We're talking about a girl here, who just hand raised 5 babybudgies by hand. Having to make them up mix and and feed them every 4hours, and this is every 4 hours during the middle of the night aswell.She gave up going out with her friends to save the birds. And justbecause she doesn't have time to take care of her rabbit anymore doesnot make her a bad person. She just moved home from college and nowwors 7 days a week at a hospital from 6-6. She thinks itsonly fair that she gives Tyson away. When she lived 2 hours away fromhome in Kingston, everytime she came home, she'd bring Tyson, her catSimon and all her birdswith her. She would neverleavethem alone even if it was only for a day. So I couldspend all day on here telling you guys how great she is with animals,but I have other things to do.
Ok MBLM sorry i didnt mean to offend you or yourfriend - the last thing I want is to upset anyone on here. I was onlyresponding to what I was told and I'm sure Carolyn didn't realise itwas a joke. I didn't mean to bash your friend I was purely saying abouthow those babies had been abandoned in such a cruel way.

Again i'm really sorry to have upset you

CHILL OUT, Michelle!

This board goes fast and we're not all able to hang on your every word.You bring us into this and beg us to adopt this rabbit and you expectus not to think about it and love the person who would say such a thing?

HOW THE HECK were we supposed to know it was a joke when YOU DIDN'T even know it.

Chill Out, Girl!

Don't GET Us involved and then get mad at us for having feelings about it.

Fine forget it then I wont bother coming here, youguys get so offended about absolutely everything. You'd probably killyourselves if I told you she accidentally hit a rabbit with her car.I'm gonna go now.
Deep breaths, everybody .... deep breaths. :)

I don't know if you guys are aware of this, but one of thepsychological effects of trolls on a discussion board is when they come(and hopefully eventually go) for a while tensions are heightened amongthe posters. I don't know why it's so, but it is. Ithink that that is what's happening here.

MBLM, there's no need for you to flounce off in a huff.:) I've been reading Vickie's posts for quite a while now andshe's a very nice person and I'm positive she meant no offense toyou. She was even gracious enough to apologize when nooffense was intended.

Carolyn simply clarified the source of the misunderstanding ... and youknow what a jewel she has been for the entire duration of theboard.

If we can, let's all hug and make up, and go on about the business ofhaving a good time here. Don't let the forces of the "darkside" win! :cool:


If you wanta go...go. I'm not going to fall for this "I'm gonna Leave"game and begging you to stay. It's not the first time you've done it.

You're certainly most welcome here, but if you are in conflict ofwhether this board is good for you or not, then figure it out and actaccordingly.

I stand behind everything I said to you.

MyBunnyLovesMe wrote:
Fine forget it then I wont bother coming here, you guys getso offended about absolutely everything. You'd probably kill yourselvesif I told you she accidentally hit a rabbit with her car. I'm gonna gonow.

It seems to me, MBLM, you are the one who is quick to take offense andthere is a bit of immaturity showing here, on your part. Wehave all been very solicitous of your situation, your problems, yourbun's problems, Peppy's problems, and so on, adinfinitum. In short, I believe most people here have beenvery patient and forgiving to you.

Now, when someone makes a mistake, and apologizes(!), you see fit totake umbrage and quickly become impatient with all of us. Asan adult, I take offense tobeing treated in such acavalier manner that smacks of a little pre-teen with apoorsense of respect and courtesy toward those who havebefriended her. At another time, in another forum, I wouldhave suspected you as a troll and reacted accordingly.

Your friend may be Mother Theresa, incarnate, but we simply don't jokeabout dumping rabbits here on this Forum, whether we be pet owners,breeders, or showers!

If anyone needs to lighten up, I think it should begin at your end of this connection.

I heard so many stories at least yours has a happyending for some of the little guys. Peolpe are so cruel and unthinkingat times. They do not know the diffenence between wild and tame that isone thing I try to stress when we do our education thing.Right now we are getting so many calls about unwanted Easter rabbits.It is nice weather and they are ready to dump the buns so they do nothave to board them or spend money on a house sitter. We rescue manythat are turned loose when people leave yes all the buns did not makeit but some did and those are the ones you must concentrate on or youwill go crazy. It is hard but I am learning a harsh lesson and it isyou cannot save them all, but I will keep trying

Bunty, what a sweet and generous spirit you have to act as an active crusader for the plight of those poor abandoned bunnies!

I've frequently considered the idea of doing volunteer work with theHouse Rabbit Society, but it just truly hurts me every time I think ofone of those little angels dumped somewhere like yesterday'sgarbage. I know that when they are in foster care that thereis hope, but the very thought of them in foster care conjures up imagesfor me of a poor lonely, frightened, starving bunny who doesn'tunderstand how he has come into such a dire predicament.

Bless you for all of the good work that you do.
Vickie, kudos to you for starting this thread.

This issue is one that I think should always remain in the forefront with bunny lovers everywhere.
I can not even begin to tell you the nimbers oftimes I cried over these poor buns. Good tears and bad but I will notgive up on them. I know when we get one they are here for life whetherit is in a foster home or a new family. My husband kids me about therabbits reading the Welcome Rabbits sign on the door but he is thefirst to help me go pick on up that is hurt or unwanted

Hm...now I see I'm a little "pre-teen" whodisrespects everyone. And this is a comment coming from an "adult". Idon't believe I've ever disrespected anyone on this board in my life. Itook all that time to make "hip-hop" rabbits for everyone, tried tobring a little joy to this board, and when suddenly I make a fewmistakes you all jump down my throat, tell me how all my friends arehorrible people and say I'm acting like I'm 11? If you've had any ideaof the kind of life I've had to live with since my dad died then maybeyou'd treat me differently. I don't know. I do my best for Megan, butbeing poor, jobless and basically friendless there's little I can do tokeep her happy. And I'm sure she probably will die since I simply can'tafford to spay her, but at least I'm trying to keep her happy. And ifthis makes me a horrible person just like my friends, then so be it.
Dear Michelle,

As hard as you think you've had it in life, I can assure you that thereare people on this board that have had it much harder and are older andhave less time in their lives to correct what's already gone on.

You got as much satisfaction out of that Hip Hop post as we all did.God knows BunnyMommy could've done the same thing and would've butgracefully stepped aside and let you take off with it.

Let's not be a martyr.

You ring us into Peppy being left without food/water supposedly only tobe fine; Megan in heatstroke, we respond to you immediately only tohave you make us wait for 6 hours to know that she'sokay...consideration please? We'd like to know the answers to thedesperate pleas you've called for to see what we can help you withnext. Numerous times, you post about Tyson being left in the wild, andthen get mad at us for not hanging on your every word that your friend'was kidding'.

You reep what you soe.

Enough of this nonsense. STOP THE MADNESS! Enough of this drama.

I know many people that have had it worse than you, darlin. There comesa point where you have to stop blaming the world and start takingcontrol over your own life.

MyBunnyLovesMe wrote:
I do my best for Megan, but being poor, joblessand basically friendless there's little I can do to keep her happy. AndI'm sure she probably will die since I simply can't afford to spay her,but at least I'm trying to keep her happy.

Nobody is disputing the job you do with Megan! I've read your posts andI know for a fact that you do a great job with your Megan. anotherpoint is not everyone gets their rabbits spayed, my Daisyhasn't been yet. I thought that to spay a rabbit would be to stop herhaving babies and to lower the risk of cancer. If you mean for thelatter reason then try not to worry as its a sad thing but cancer stillmay occur and there is no way that you can stop them getting it fullstop! I'm sure your doing a great job with her!

Bunty~ Your a credit to the board and to rabbits everywhere!!!! :D
I mentioned Peppy because yes I didthink he was in trouble. I couldn't get ahold of John to ask him and Ipanicked, so sue me! I found out he was fine and left it alone. Megangot heatstroke, you told me not to worry and to let her rest and toupdate later, God knows it wasn't 6 hours that I waited it was morelike 1 or 2 at the most. I said she was recovering well and left it atthat. As for people having it worst then me, I'm sure there is. Buthaving my dad die at a young age, having my mom too ill to work, ourbasement flooded like 5 times, our van kept breaking down and wefinally got rid of it when it caught fire, both my grandparents are onthe verge of dying, I can't afford school, my mom can barely feed usand pay the bills every month, I mean really the list goes on and onand on, and I truly feel sorry for ANYONE who has it worst then me. Butto tell me my life isn't all that bad, well then you know nothing.