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Jan 24, 2007
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[align=center]hi i amnew member and new to rabbits having bought a pair of dwarf lop last year i breed them with no problems and sold the babies so good homes but kept one doe .
Last week i was expecting again but on the due day went out to find my mother rabbit had died with two still born.
Anyway to get too the point my male has some how got in the pen with his daughter,(children thinking they were lonely).will she be ok if sheis pregnant, and will and babies be fine?
Please help thanks
First of all, I've moved this to the rabbitry section so the breeders will see it and answer it (I am a breeder although I do not deal with dwarfs).

Now for some questions and advice.

a. Make sure to talk to your children and tell them to NOT do that again. You may want to consider getting the male neutered too so this does not happen again. Going through this once would be scary - twice could be a nightmare. :shock:

b. How old is the daughter? How long was he in with her? When did this happen?

c. Are the father and daughter about the same size?

Here is a link to some helpful information

I suggest you do this - try to reply with the answers as soon as possible. In the meantime, I will try to do some checking on dwarves to see what I can tell you in a few minutes.

Unfortunately, right now I have my own little crisis in our rabbitry -two mamas in labor and one is a new mama - so I'm having a hard time(worse than she is I think). Because of this - it might take me just alittle bit to get back to you.

But get something to drink - breathe deeply - and start reading thethread I posted the link to - it will at least help you get some information...


Here are some links and information:


The ideal age for the female Netherland Dwarf rabbit to start breeding is between 5 to 6 months of age. The first litter must be born beforethe female is one year old. The reason for this is that after this age the pelvic bones fuse and she would not be able to give birth naturally. They should have no more litters after the age of three years.

and from:

Breeding Challenge
Breeding Netherland Dwarfs is very challenging, their small size produces an average of only 2-3 kits perlitter. They are also prone to birthing difficulties, usually in the form of "stuck" babies. In addition to that we also face the typical problems all rabbit breeders have: weanling enteritis, Young doe syndrome, stillborn kits, to name a few. Being a small breed they can reach sexual maturity as early as three months of age, but breeders wait until they are at least six months old and fully mature before breeding them.

I hope that these links help you.

Once you know when the rabbits were put together - add 28 days to that and add in a nestbox filled with straw or hay. Starting at day 28, I try to give each doe one Tums per day for the calcium that is in the Tums.

I'm hoping other dwarf breeders will come in with more help - but that should get you started.


he was with her for the afternoon they are about the same size and she is about 4 months, they are big rabbits only called dwarf because they are not the giant ones of the breed

Four months? That's really young. Not too young to maybe be pregnant though.I've known other people to have 4 month olds accidentally get pregnant. I really hope she's not though as she's not even done growing yet.:(

I'd recommend getting locks for your cages and preferably neutering the boy, maybe spaying the girl when she's older. I'd be worried that the kids might do this again.
First of all - you are saying dwarf and I was thinking Netherland Dwarf....can you clarify the type of rabbit for us?

I know in different countries they are called different it a dwarf lop or something? I'm confused.

Father/daughter breedings are done all the time....its brother/sister breedings that you don't want to do.

And I agree - LOCK those cages so this doesn't happen again - for the sake of the doe!


P.S. Edited to add it is possible for her to get pregnant(I'm guessing) at 4 months - and yes - her life could be at risk because of getting pregnant so young. That is my understanding at least. It might be better to take her in and get her spayed now - even though it means losing the young. It might save her life.
they were sold to me as dutch dwarf lops but i think they are holland lops

Youch. I have a Holland Lop right now that I'm debating on taking to the vet - she's been in labor for like 12 hours(off and on). She isn't straining any and is doing better than I am.....

I really would lean towards getting her neutered....but I have a friend who breeds Hollands and see if 4 months is too young...but I'm thinking it isn't.

Yes, the doe could be pregnant.There is no way to fore-tell if she will have birthing complications.

cages locked, children told, just have to wait and see what happens. thanks alot
We'll cross our fingers for "nothing" to happen. Please keep us updated and good luck!

I sometimes breed at 4 months if the doe is large enough i usually wait untill they are 6 months old.if genetic problems exist breeding too the father will bring those out.bluebird
It is young to breed but from what the books say you can breed father to daughter and mother to son but never sister to brother. the dwarf breeds do have a harder time of it i lost a a doe in december and we have had stuck kits before where my hubbie has given avery gentle helping hand to remove it rather than letting the doe struggle, there is always a risk of death and it is always horrible.hope if she is pregnant all goes well.


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