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  1. S

    Alternatives to NIC?

    I can't find NIC cubes ANYWHERE, for some reason. So, that said, does anyone know of similar products that I could build a cage for Magellan out of? His current cage is just too small, I think.
  2. S

    New zealands, florida whites, and incidentally white rabbits

    How do you tell the difference between these three? I'm fairly certain my own is a New Zealand since he's an ex-laboratory rabbit, but it does get me thinking when I look at rabbit breed posters and I see very little difference between NZs and Florida whites. Also, I'm aware other up-eared...
  3. S

    Angry rabbit leads to carpet digging?

    Is it normal for rabbits to suddenly start doing bad habits they never have before when they're angry? Just a few minutes ago, after I was trying to fit a harness on him,he started digging at the carpet as soon as I let him go- he's never done that before! Is this like a temper tantrum or...
  4. S

    So... how common is this humping whatnot?

    I may want a second rabbit, tentatively, but... the humping dominant/submissive stuff just really skeeves me out. It's not something I particularly want to see anyone partaking in, much less my pets. So how often does it happen? Any way to discourage it without being a killjoy?
  5. S

    Water dish instead of water bottle

    Is this okay? My rabbit only seems to drink out of water bottles if he's dying of thirst. I noticed he'd rather wait until he got out of his cage to drink from my cat's dish than actually drink from a bottle (I'm using the one from his cage at the rescue he was at). I got him his own water dish...
  6. S

    Romaine, kale and spinach

    I'm having a hard time finding a definite "yes" or "no" about these three greens. Some say "yes, sometimes, in small quantities" but that's not really clear as to how much is okay and why even bother if they COULD be bad for them... and some people say yes, romaine every day, and others say no...
  7. S

    Possible abscess or tumor in cheek

    First of all, he's already scheduled for a biopsy with his vet, so no worries about that. The vet isn't sure if it's an old injury, tumor, or abscess, but there is a lump inside my Magellan's cheek, about under where the whiskers come out. It's a little bigger than a grape. He's eating normally...