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  1. Martha G

    How did you come up with your rabbit's names?

    When we got our first two rabbits, one was an agouti lop that reminded me of Cappuccino. So I thought "cappuccino and biscotti!" he became Cappy and our b/w Dutch is called Biscuit. When we adopted Roxie she had been called Oreo, but we thought she had too much personality and named her...
  2. Martha G

    Caption Contest #46

    I know I saw it somewhere in here.
  3. Martha G

    RESOLVED Rabbits in NY need to get to NJ

    Thank you all. I know Jody needs the help. I don't really know anything about the bunny.
  4. Martha G

    RESOLVED Rabbits in NY need to get to NJ

    If you can help please email Jody at [email protected] Long story short...someone e-mailed me a Craigslist post from someone in Long Island that has a sick rabbit that she cannot afford to treat. The rabbit was kept outdoors due to owner's health problem. The rabbit now is sick and the Long...
  5. Martha G

    favorite brand of litter

    What type of litter do you use? We use several layers of newspaper topped with plenty of hay. What size/type of litter box do you use? We use plastic cat litterboxes - they're probably 12" x 16" How often do you clean it out vs how many bunnies you have? We have a bonded pair and they...
  6. Martha G

    Is complete litter training possible for baby buns?

    I don't think 100% perfect litter box habits are possible. Our bonded pair are like 99% perfect with pee and even the mistakes are just the butt hanging over the edge of the box a bit too much. Our boy was almost perfect w/pee and poop even before his neuter. Our girl who were adopted post...
  7. Martha G


    Funny that lettuce would be considered bad for rabbits. Many lists include lettuce and ours love romaine, green and red leaf. As with any food, start with a little bit to be sure your bunny will tolerate it. Even iceberg can be ok for rabbits. Contrary to popular opinion it does have some...
  8. Martha G

    *RESOLVED* Transport from CT to IL

    It was a silly accident, but then aren't they all? :grumpy: Left work and gave a mighty shove to open the heavy door and the bldg decided to lock it early that night. Ouch! Now I'm counting down.....3 weeks and 2 days until the cast comes off. Thanks again. Martha
  9. Martha G

    *RESOLVED* Transport from CT to IL

    Hi all! Big apologies on my part. I finally connected with the bunnyMom last week who has decided to fly Bonkers to IL. They have a friend who is coming to NYC soon and will take him back with him on the plane - fly with him not as cargo. I wanted to update you all, but I brokemy arm last...
  10. Martha G

    *RESOLVED* Transport from CT to IL

    Hi, We're waiting for confirmation, but it looks like Bonkers' new Mom would drive to Indianapolis so when/if I ever get this figured out, maybe you could drive east a ways and take him to Indianapolis. I'll keep you and everyone posted. I really appreciate the support. Thanks, Martha
  11. Martha G

    *RESOLVED* Transport from CT to IL

    I can basically go wherever makes sense. Muhlenberg College (my alma mater) is not far from the highway. Martha
  12. Martha G

    *RESOLVED* Transport from CT to IL

    Great, I can get him to Allentown from CT. Would that be do-able for you? Then someone else is in PA - don't know where. Would it be helpful if I did sort of chart from point A to point B and people fill in what they can do?
  13. Martha G

    *RESOLVED* Transport from CT to IL

    Hi all, Looking ths over it looks like I can do the first leg getting the bunny to somewhere in PA and there is pumpkinandwhiskersmomin PA who can drive (how far?), and then stargazerLilyin OH, can get bunny to Bo B Bunny in Indiana. I'm checking now on the IL family to see where they can get...
  14. Martha G

    *RESOLVED* Transport from CT to IL

    We can do it as soon as we have the drivers lined up. Where are you in PA? I can get to Allentown. Martha
  15. Martha G

    *RESOLVED* Transport from CT to IL

    I'd take Daphne too if my two would allow it. They have made it very clear that they want us to be a two bunny family and they RULE. Martha
  16. Martha G

    *RESOLVED* Transport from CT to IL

    Hi, Wow! I got busy with work and hadn't checked here in a couple of days. We still want to get this bunny transported. I can drive from CT to Easton or Allenton, PA and then would need someone from PA to take the next leg. It sounds like there are folks in OH if we can get the bunny that far...
  17. Martha G

    *RESOLVED* Transport from CT to IL

    Thanks. From what I can tell on the map, there is no one available between me and it looks like Indiana or Illinois!:( I'll keep checking. Martha
  18. Martha G

    *RESOLVED* Transport from CT to IL

    Thanks. I'll keep you posted. It seems like we'll need transport from NJ (or Eastern PA) on through Indiana. 'I'm not sure exactly how this will work......... Martha
  19. Martha G

    Did you pick your own name's or did your owner pick your names for you??

    When I came to my house, I was with another bunny. At first my Mom called us Bunny and Rabbit - not a very original human was she? Then the "big rabbit" came home and she said "that one looks like cappuchino," and she said "let's call that one Biscuit." So that's my name. I wish my name were...
  20. Martha G

    *RESOLVED* Transport from CT to IL

    Our rescue ( is overflowing with bunnies and one special little guy named Bonkers could have a loving home in the vicinity of Chicago, IL if he only had a way to get there. I can drive him from CT to somewhere in NJ if there are volunteers to get him the rest of...