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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. HiddlesKenway

    Is Purina Dog & Flea Powder safe for bunnies?

    So as the titles says I would like to know if anyone has had an experience in using this on bunnies? I have over fourteen so buying the stuff that you apply to the back of their neck (Advantage) is far too expensive with having to buy flea prevention for a big dog a little dog and four cats on...
  2. HiddlesKenway

    Flea treatment on rabbits?

    I have a rabbit that gets dermatitis from fleas and I can't see to get rid of them. I've knocked down the amount but can't seem to get completely rid of them. Any suggestions?
  3. HiddlesKenway

    Falling off horses and saying goodbye to pets!

    Yesterday was a horrific day for me, I came off a friends 17hh ex-racehorse and wound up in the path of his hooves getting kicked in the head my arm and left shoulder stepped on and a cracked rib and dislocated coccyx. Even though I was in extreme shock I still noticed my own horse freaking out...
  4. HiddlesKenway

    Welcome to the Rabbitry!

    Hey guys so I have three rabbits that I have yet to formally welcome to my rabbitry and breeding program. I've had the doe for about eight months, the two bucks for about two weeks. Peggy-Sue Cashmere Lop Black Otter Doe Spike (Sporting the poodle cut for summer.) Cashmere Lop REW Buck...
  5. HiddlesKenway

    Help! Unknown illness!

    Hey guys, I haven't made a post in awhile as I have been overwhelmed with taking care of an eminciated horse I've rescued. Anyway I needed to know urgently if rabbits can have Stomach Calm as I have no infacol. It's too late to get a vet involved and I need it to relax the symptoms.
  6. HiddlesKenway

    Ideas On Turning Old doll house/book shelf into cage?

    Hello guys, it's been awhile since I was on here and this isn't exactly rabbit related, although this same doll house was one I once pondered about turning into a rabbit breeding cage as it would create three very nice cages only the wood is that horrid material that swells when wet and I...
  7. HiddlesKenway

    Rabbitry Setup Ideas

    Hello all! :wave: Recently I have been considering remodeling my rabbitry and perhaps even designing a shed rather than using a room in my house like I currently am doing and I would like to know your setups for ideas. I'm trying to find the cheapest route. Also considering doing both as well...
  8. HiddlesKenway

    Teeth Concern

    Hello all, I've had rabbits for years and have bred them for half that time and never encountered any teeth issues in any of my rabbits so I'm not entirely sure if what I'm looking at is an issue of some sort. Anyway my eldest rabbit is four years old and his top incisors appear longer than...
  9. HiddlesKenway

    *NOT RABBIT* Need Advice!

    Hello anyone who comes to this thread. I have a guinea pig who has had a run in with another piggy he has had his eye bitten and I'm not entirely sure how to go about treatment besides a bit of warm salt water over the wound. I've seen many attack wounds of the time I've had guinea pigs (Even...
  10. HiddlesKenway

    Disabled Buns: Share Stories

    Hello, I decided to make a post for people to share stories about their precious little handicap friends! The longer I've been on this forum it's come to my attention that it's a daily occurrence to hear about a bun losing hind end ability or some freak accident leading them disabled. This is...
  11. HiddlesKenway

    Thinking of making a herb garden...

    So I've been thinking of planting a small herb garden in a plant container thing. I have a big dog whom loves to destroy just about anything he can so I can't plant it in the ground where he can get at it. What are lists of herb worthy of the bunny diet?
  12. HiddlesKenway

    Lavender: First time mum

    I thought I would make this post about one of my Dwarf Lop does first litter. As of today she hits her final week of pregnancy more foully mooded then we she began, scratching restless at her bedding even causing hay dust to make her sneeze! Little girl can't stop her rampage. She's bitten me...
  13. HiddlesKenway


    Sigyn is my newest addition, she's a seven week old Dwarf Lop doe, coloured with the Harlequin pattern (Badly marked although, very poor example.) she's a little character that I love to bits!
  14. HiddlesKenway


    Mello is my oldest bunny in the bunch that I have (Most of the others are youngsters and are one year and under.) he's four years old and he's my beautiful boy, he likes to chase everyone around and he enjoys wearing his harness because of the bell on it! And he has his own teddy bear in his...
  15. HiddlesKenway


    Lavender is a three month old, Dwarf Lop doe. Who loves to be cuddled but at first she (Recently) became awfully naughty and cranky, with the snorting and the lunging if I go to close but once I pick her up she adores the attention. I think she's just coming into her doe behaviour!
  16. HiddlesKenway

    Loki: The Three Legged Buck

    Loki is a black otter Dwarf Lop buck (Unaltered but kept from all does.) This little cutie is a now a six month old, an accident occurred about a month ago which required he was either euthanized or had his leg amputated and well, I may have many rabbits but I love each and everything single...