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  1. B


    i havent bene online for a while butwith good reason i got 2 7 weekold bunnies both female (dont worry and they wil be spayed either way ) they are both like night and day though they get on well misty how ever has a diareeha problem personally i think its just adjustingto the differnt food she...
  2. B

    just an example

    of how readily peopel are willing todump their rabbist because they dont realise hwo much work ittakes or because 2 bunnies isso much better for them they can keep themselfscompany but dont bother to let them getspayed i went on a reasonbly wel known dutch used good site went to pets then...
  3. B

    7 week old sick ?

    yesterday she wasquite fine but today or rather latertoday my 7 week old bunny mitzi has beenacting ...well odd she spend the majority of the day in one place with her front paws in her water bowl they are soaked but she doenst seem to mind or care later on she had pulled her paws out ofthe...