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  1. TheBuns

    e cuniculi

    Hello my bun has been on and off sick vet thinks he has an ear infection or e cuniculi. He’s been on antibiotics but things are not looking good he falls over and spins now:( and I’m having to force feed him he has an appointment Tuesday morning. We thought for sure maybe he has an infection...
  2. TheBuns

    Rabbit not eating and pooping

    Hello everyone, my rabbit has not been eating since last night or pooping . It is now going to be afternoon since she hasn’t ate by herself or pooped. I took her to the vet this morning. All they recommended I do is give her papaya I guess it’s good for the digestive system. But other than that...
  3. TheBuns

    Wobbly bun

    Hello I’m back it’s been a while that I’ve been on here! I need help my bun has an appointment Tuesday this is what was available :( the head tilt started on new yrs eve i noticed one of his eyes looked smaller/hooded. He also has dandruff which I’m thinking is mites because he constantly...
  4. TheBuns

    Rehoming 2 bunnies

    Hello it’s me again. I’ve been gone for a while. Did some thinking. My rabbits I love them they are like my kids and I feel like I’m giving them away. It’s been 7 months I’m still thinking about rehoming then. Kind of just left on last post (look at my last post) I’m just afraid I’m giving up...
  5. TheBuns

    I’m back..Rehoming?

    Hello it’s me again. I’ve been gone for a while. Did some thinking. My rabbits I love them they are like my kids and I feel like I’m giving them away. It’s been 7 months I’m still thinking about rehoming then. Kind of just left on last post (look at my last post) I’m just afraid I’m giving up...
  6. TheBuns

    Looking to Rehome Buns

    Hello I know it’s been a while... Im having to make a hard choice but to rehome my rabbits....huh. It’s just to much Never thought that I would considered giving them away I feel terrible thinking about it. Things change I still want them but I just can’t it’s not that I got tired of them no...
  7. TheBuns

    Choking rabbit

    Hello it’s been a while I know So today my rabbit choked on pellets again for the 2nd time. I posted about rabbit choking a while back this will be my second. So she got to excited for pellets and started choking and drooling and running away I couldn’t help her! Last time after she choked she...
  8. TheBuns


    Are they really mites or is it something else? noticed it 2 days ago. She’s had mites before but not like that. Her fur is also falling off as you can see in picture with little skin flakes or something?
  9. TheBuns

    Neutered? Blood test again?

    Similar to my other thread when I first got my rabbit spayed. But in my other thread I asked if I should get my rabbit get blood test. I didn’t because I was advised that she was young. So I decided not to and was confident she was healthy. So know my boy buns getting neutered and not sure if I...
  10. TheBuns

    Rabbit peeing very little for urinalysis..

    How can I make her pee more and fast? She pees very little which is no enough for the vet.
  11. TheBuns

    X rays?

    Hello long time no see lol Im wondering if anyone has any tips for before and after x rays on rabbit? Any risks to it? Have you guys had any experience with xrays?
  12. TheBuns

    work and school?

    Hello, Im curious If anyone here has a “part time job” and full time college student (online) when having a bun? Anyone have any advice? I’m worried that the buns aren’t getting much attention?
  13. TheBuns

    Benadryl dosage amount?

    Hello I need help as to how much I can give to my rabbit with allergies. I’m not sure what size of syringe I have neither?
  14. TheBuns

    Floating eye booger in middle of pupil

    I’ve been trying to get my buns eye boogie out and I can’t she lets me but then squints when I get to close to her eye. It’s floating around in there and blocking her pupil. How can I get it out she’s been grooming her face it still doesn’t come out? Thanks in advance for response!
  15. TheBuns

    Timothy hay dust

    Does anyone know a good brand of Timothy hay that isn’t as dusty? My hay is almost always dusty it gives me headaches and I sneeze a lot my rabbits also sneeze too. I don’t want to change there Timothy hay to another type.
  16. TheBuns

    Wet butt!

    So I checked up on my boy bun today and he was asleep flopped to his side and saw that urine was everywhere and his butt it covered in it! Should be worried?! What do I do his bum is all wet!
  17. TheBuns

    Bun smells good?

    Weird title ha Has anyone ever smelled there buns and thought they smell good even though they aren’t supposed to smell. My girl bun always have a light sweetish smell to her I have no idea why but she does! My boy bun has a sweet smell also but it smell much sweeter a little different but...
  18. TheBuns


    Hello, I need help choosing an oil I can use for my squeaky door that is safe for rabbits. I read that I can use cooking oil for it also motor oil but no way I’m going to use that. What’s the safest option?
  19. TheBuns

    Squishy stomach

    My rabbit for a long time has been having a squishy stomach, loud gurgling, dribbling urine, and sludge that seemed to have went away. It’s been a month it seems like and nothing can be found. Anyone have any idea what it could be?
  20. TheBuns

    Pet insurance?

    Is pet insurance worth it? Does it pay a good amount of the expenses? How much per month? (Just noticed my post was posted twice have no idea why.)