Geriatric Rabbits

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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2004
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This actually came up on the CatForum, someonewas talking about how their cat now qualified as "geriatric" accordingto their vet, and would start having annual screenings for age-relatedproblems. And it's come up a few times here, talking about olderbunnies (6 and up).

Well, Rex will be 6 in March :)() and I was just wondering if there wasany sort of change in care as a rabbit ages. What are some things toexpect in an older bunny? Are there age-related health issues? I havenoticed he's still got all that bunnitude but isn't as spry as he usedto be. Is arthritis a concern in older rabbits? I've thought ofeventually building a stoop for their cage so he won't have to jump upand down so much. Of course, Peanut will be 5 in August, so would be asmuch for her as for him.

Naturally, I don't want to admit my buns are getting older, but theother day my dad referred to Rex as a "wisened old man". I just want toease them gracefully into their later years and enjoy every second Ihave with them.
Arthritus can be a problem for olderrabbits. I've read of people massaging them to keep themlimber, feeding aspirin to alleviate pain, using low walled litterboxes, and creating ramps to preclude the necessity of jumping up ordown.

There are a whole raft of issues potentially confronting the olderrabbit. Link to this site for more erudite information thanI'm able to provide.
Thank you, Buck, that article was veryinformative (but can I expect any different from you? ;)) I'll be sureprint it up and thoroughly read over it.
You might think about investing in thebookRabbit Health in the 21stCentury. It's got a great section on Geriatricsand goes into detail for all the ailments that occur with age.


Yes, I'll make it a priority to pick up a copy. Thanks to both of you!

~Emily and her wisened old man...;)