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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2004
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Hello everyone! I've chosen to do a school projecton snuffles. But I need a bit of information. So here it goes, I knowyou can't give exact costs but roughly would be fine.

1) Are there tests they can run to detect snuffles? If so, what's the rough cost for this alone?

2) What kind of treatment is there? Rough cost for this, also.

3) How long does treatment take?

4) Relapses, is this common? Is it harder to treat a second time around?

Thanks everyone!

Laura, Moch, & Spice
Hi M&SMom,

Blood tests can be run todiagnose the viral disease.

You should read the post on Pasteurella and go from there.Bunnymommy and Pamnock will be a huge help to you in this area.

If not caught early on, it can quickly turn into a terminal illness andalthough goes dormant, is still active and contageous. If itdoes turn the corner to terminal, then the rabbit must be medicated forthe rest of its life in most cases unless it'll die.

Thanks Carolyn. I always seem to lose which postthese things are in when I need to find them! Now that you told me thepost I can go read and get started on my research. Thanks again.
We're in the middle of school -- so I just havetime to throw outone thought -- remember that"snuffles" is simply a general term for "cold" symptoms in rabbits suchas runny eyes or runny nose. The term does not imply anyspecific pathogen or irritant.

One more thing, how long does it take to getresults back from tests? Just a rough figure, need as much info as Ican get to get good marks.
Please researh the long term effects. I had onewho started with snuffles treated him with Baytril, went off Baytriland they started up again. We did the baytril again andduring that time we moved and his weight drop and had loud breathing andwe found it went into pneuminia. He was treated with penicillin shotsfor 3 weeks and now it is a constant thing of on and off baytril. He isa happy bun and eats well but a constant watch and worry to his familyand his mate. It sounds like such a harmless thing but the results canbe bad if not treated and maintained
My friend had the blood tests done a couple times,so I emailed her to find out cost. She's leaving right now togo out of town, but she usually remote checks her email.

The handbook "Rabbit Health 101" has extensive info on all the testing, but I don't have time right now to type it all out.

Just heard back from my friend . . .

Blood test is around $60-$65

She said that the nasal culture is cheaper, but not as accurate.

Both times she had the blood tests done, neither came up with anyresults pinpointing a pathogen. Symptoms were occasionalsneezing.

I had a blood culture done on Sherman on Saturdayfor Pasturella and the blood test alone was $74. The vetsends the cultures to a lab in New York for testing, and the resultsare supposed to be back late today or tomorrow.

Hope this helps.
She just emailed me more info (sharing rabbitinformation is far more important than getting out the door to go onher business trip LOL) . . .

> The doctor you like- forget his name. He's the one who told me unless the
> rabbit is throwing large amounts of snot- the nose culture is pretty
> worthless. He said the blood test even tells you if the rabbit has ever had
> pasturella, like if it's laying dormant or something. Because, apparently,
> once they have it, they have it forever, even if the symptoms go away.
Thanks everyone! You are all so helpful and I'msure to get a good mark with the ton of information I can gather fromeveryone and my own research.

Laura, Moch, & Spice
My vet agreed on blood work is the way to gounless a very thick discharge from nose. Blood work runs from 60-100depending on where you live. Hope you get an A
What a great project this is,M&SMom. Keep us posted as to your progress and howthings are falling together.
