Recent content by Zahrii

Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. Z

    Help! Getting one bunny?

    Yeah, that makes sense. Would bringing his hidey hole into the desk area help? I will use your advice and put him in a carrier if this idea sticks when I get him. Now that I think about it, rabbits are more active during the morning and evening. As stated in my other post, his area is at the...
  2. Z

    Help! Getting one bunny?

    I've come up with a plan to enclose my desk area so it's less trouble for the people living with me and also gives the bun more social time with me. A litter box, toys, etc. will be provided and the space will be bunny proofed. It's not the largest, but the bunny won't be in there all day. It...
  3. Z

    Future Rabbit Owner

    Hello! I'm Zahrii, but that's just my online alias. My real name is and will remain unknown to the public. I'll be getting a Holland lop bunny (hopefully) in a couple years. I'm starting my research quite early, so I decided to join this forum in case I had questions that I couldn't find direct...
  4. Z


    Does anyone have any cute food related bunny names? Female based, male based, unisex, whatever! I'm open to all and every food name. :)
  5. Z

    Raised Cage

    That's a good idea, thank you!
  6. Z

    Raised Cage

    I'm getting a Holland lop in the future and I'm thinking about getting a raised cage so I don't have to bend down so much. I'm not sure how high the cage would be raised, maybe 1-3 feet? I know most rabbits don't like being held with one of the reasons being that they don't like being high up...
  7. Z

    NIC Cage

    Thank you!
  8. Z

    NIC Cage

    Hello! I'll be a future Holland lop owner and I'm 90% sure I'll be building my own cage using the NIC method. Could I get some inspiration via this thread's replies and see some cool NIC rabbit cage builds? Thanks!
  9. Z

    Help! Getting one bunny?

    I would keep the bunny semi-free roaming in the living room, but it's impossible to bunny proof it enough so I don't worry since there's a ton of cords around (TV, computer charger, internet cables, etc.) it'd be impossible to contain them all. The x-pen is a good idea but I'd have to bring the...
  10. Z

    Help! Getting one bunny?

    Hello, I've been researching and planning on getting two Holland lops, but after some major money and space consideration the idea of one sounds more appealing. I've seen online on multiple other websites that getting two is the best option, but I highly doubt that's possible with the money I...