Recent content by Samantha Santos

Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. S

    HELP My bunnies had babbies and died!!

    I don't know but I'm really sorry for your lost. I hope the last bunny is good. Try checking with a vet to make sure. I know it can be difficult over the weekend
  2. S

    Bunny anus Swollen

    Thank you so much. Thankfully after checking everywhere within hours of my house I found a clinic with a doctor that knows about rabbits and the clinic out her in as emergency. I'm waiting on some tests and hopefully it's nothing serious. I'm really nervous waiting
  3. S

    Bunny anus Swollen

    I need help. I got home from working all night and realized that my bunny has a swollen anus. She was fine Yesterday but today she farting a lot and the poops she had while I was away are really small. The area is pink and radish and its really worring me. She seems completely fine besides that...