Recent content by RunRabbitRun

Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. RunRabbitRun

    New Bunny, New Housing

    Hello all, I have been away from this forum for a long time, but I have a question. I just adopted a bunny yesterday that came with his entire setup, which I believe is a C&C cage, because it's a grid with no bottom and no top. He is litterbox trained, so what should I use for the bottom? His...
  2. RunRabbitRun

    Hello from New Jersey

    Welcome from a fellow New Jersian!
  3. RunRabbitRun

    found a stray

    I'm glad you were able to save this bun. I hope you can keep him/her. Please keep us updated.
  4. RunRabbitRun

    New Bunny!

    I heard back from the breeder. He only has adults available now, but is planning on having litters soon. Looks like I will have to wait a while to get a Frenchie, but I'm sure she will be worth it. :) I really want a baby bun.
  5. RunRabbitRun

    green or blue?

    I vote green since I don't like the color blue.
  6. RunRabbitRun


    I love my desktop computer, but hate my laptop. They're almost the same in terms of size, speed and software, although my desktop holds all the pics. Why then is the desktop speedy while the laptop moves along like a snail?
  7. RunRabbitRun

    Pets besides rabbits

    Our list: Moose - 4 year old Italian Greyhound Red - 3 year old Italian Greyhound Annie - 9 year old nasty cat Ozzy - 5 year old sweet cat Aaron & Sunny - parakeets And of course the buns!
  8. RunRabbitRun

    PETsMART is starting to sell rabbits....

    Well, this certainly stinks. Ivolunteer in the Petsmart every Sunday (with the county animal shelter, I help with the dogs and cats). Occasionally, we and sometimes other groups do bring buns into the store for adoption. I wish they would do it more often. I think this is a bad idea, but people...
  9. RunRabbitRun

    New Bunny!

    Ok, I finally made the call. My beloved french lop Cleo passed away before Easter of this year. I made contact with her breeder who said he would call me with what he had available. He is a magician and uses French Lops in his acts (seriously). On one hand I'm super excited, but on the other...
  10. RunRabbitRun

    RIP Toby :(

    I am so sorry for your sudden and unexpected loss. I have a little mini rex Toby. Hugs to you.
  11. RunRabbitRun

    Goodbye Sweet Cleopatra

    This morning my loving 6 year old chinchillaFrench Lop Cleo went to the Rainbow Bridge. I am thankfulthat Friday night she was able to enjoy her hay and yogurt drops onelast time before succumbing to illness. Toward the end shewas having seizures and finally her bottom half became paralyzed due...
  12. RunRabbitRun

    Note About kimmeh_121's Deception

    What an unfortunate situation. Things have a way of coming back to people, though.
  13. RunRabbitRun

    My husband and I totally cheated

    What a great gift idea!
  14. RunRabbitRun

    Not so sure if I should be upset by this..but...

    Usually whenever someon makes a crack aboutbunnies, I say "that's funny the first 100 times I hear it."They usually get the message. What's really in poor taste (no pun intended) is when they serve rabbit at the concession stand at rabbit shows!
  15. RunRabbitRun

    Berri has went over to the bridge

    I am so sorry for your loss. Abscesses are the worst.