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  1. nochoramet

    Should rabbits be housed outside?

    My rabbit Beau lives outside. He's not allowed to live inside because my father is weird about having animals in the house. However, he has a roomy home with lots of toys. He's in the shade and stays cool. He gets love and attention and care. I see nothing wrong with them living outside as long...
  2. nochoramet

    Bailee's Buns in 2012

    I like reading your blog too, if nothing else on here :3
  3. nochoramet

    Bailee's Buns in 2012

    Hi Bailee!!! <3 I logged on to creep ;3 no one will remember me but you probably but I had to check this out :D I always loved keeping up with your blog, one of the few reasons I kept getting on. Hopefully with the start of summer, I'll have enough to put a blog up for Beau myself :)
  4. nochoramet


    Yeah it's been pretty great! I don't get to stay very long but it's been so much fun. And omg Sabriel is a DOLL.... Silas is a big snuggle buddy. Solara, well, she gave me her opinion of me quite early LOL
  5. nochoramet

    Bailee's Buns in 2011

    Hey Bailee! I just caught up on your blog, I haven't been getting on here as often as I like. I've been wanting to start a blog for Beau but I'm just so lazy and never feel like it xD How are things now?
  6. nochoramet

    Flemmie Love

    Awwww!!! He is so cute!!
  7. nochoramet

    Bailee's Buns in 2011

    i'm sorry, it seems like you're having a tough time with feeling yucky :( Let us know if you do go to the doctor's... I hope you start feeling better! I'm internet deprived - I'll get on as often as possible but now that I'm not in school I don't have 24/7 access to it
  8. nochoramet

    Bailee's Buns in 2011

    Man I've been so busy moving and dealing with finals I haven't been able to check on this in forever! I think it's great that you're going to foster the bunny. He needs love and it's not his owners fault he's being neglected (and I agree, animals shouldn't be given to a sick person) I hope he...
  9. nochoramet

    rue goes out, and puppet plays trains

    Rue is gorgeous! And Nut Puppet is just too cute :)
  10. nochoramet

    Elton spruced up

    Gahhh!! Very cute! Beau is that way, I'm constantly brushing him to get stuff out of his mane. He's very tolerant, considering. Hopefully this continues throughout his life!
  11. nochoramet

    Weather in the south

    Idk what's going on with the weather down here! It's insane, we're supposed to get another round of tornados tomorrow! Gahlee it needs to stop
  12. nochoramet

    The Cozy Cavy - Hit by Tornado

    She has found a lot of her piggies and ratties thank God!! Her daughter is out of the hospital from what I heard, and they're on the way to recovery. I don't know them personally but I'm keeping track of all the tornado victims news. It warms my heart to see people so far away concerned about...
  13. nochoramet

    Check in: Members Affected by Severe Weather

    I don't know if yall have heard updated news on the south, but Alabama got hit pretty hard, especially Tuscaloosa and surrounding communities. Thankfully I live far enough south where I didn't experience bad weather (besides T-Storms) but North Alabama and Mississippi definitely need prayers and...
  14. nochoramet

    Bailee's Buns in 2011

    I agree with the selling artwork! Have you heard of the website Etsy? That's where a lot of people sell their art at. And as far as Graphic Design, I'm in the very early stages, my major stuff starts in the fall but you do have to have a drawing class, and you take classes to learn how to...
  15. nochoramet

    Bailee's Buns in 2011

    No more more!!! I love your style of drawing, I'm very jealous!! I'm a graphic design major so I love seeing other people's artwork and getting inspiration from it. If I ever get around to starting a blog I'll post mine, but a lot of it is already on my facebook. I looooove seeing your art