Recent content by Nikki_Shortstuff

Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. Nikki_Shortstuff

    Life With Charlie!

    I don't know if anyone knows this, but Charlie has a Facebook! He would love to have new friends, and we update it frequently with photos and statuses so add him as a friend! It'll really make his day! Haha! :biggrin2:
  2. Nikki_Shortstuff

    Life With Charlie!

    Yeah he's definitely gotten a little crazy! My poor baby might need a female to keep him company, who knows. Not sure if I could handle a whole bunch of baby bunnies though lol, Charlie already is a handful! :P
  3. Nikki_Shortstuff

    Life With Charlie!

    Oh my gosh! It's been SO LONG since I last came on here! Almost a year ago! I'm not sure why I stopped going on this site...I think I just got a bit sidetracked, with life. I apologize! Does anybody remember me and Charlie? I hope so! I don't know if the people I remember on here still go on the...
  4. Nikki_Shortstuff

    Yesterday's News VS Wood Pine Pellets

    Great video! I might be switching to wood pine pellets then, but how much are they and where can I find them?
  5. Nikki_Shortstuff

    Holland or Mini Lop?

    Looks like my little Charlie, definitely a Holland!
  6. Nikki_Shortstuff

    Hey! I'm new plus Questions...

    Hi, welcome! Chloe is adorable! I have a lop too but he's a holland lop, I do think you probably have a mini lop looking at the face.
  7. Nikki_Shortstuff

    Life With Charlie!

    Aw, ha ha, Charlie says thanks. :)
  8. Nikki_Shortstuff

    MELBOURNE Australia Rescue forced to close

    I signed! I can't believe the nerve of some people. :grumpy:
  9. Nikki_Shortstuff

    Life With Charlie!

    I just have to share possibly the cutest photo I have ever taken! I know there's already a few photos of Charlie sleeping, but this one beats them all. The light of our lamp was hitting him perfectly as he slept under the table in our room. Look at his little paws! :hearts
  10. Nikki_Shortstuff

    You know you are a bunny mommy/daddy when...

    You know you are a bunny mommy/daddy when... You've had at least one wire chord chewed up. Ps. I thought I was the only one who called my rabbit "my babies". Lol!
  11. Nikki_Shortstuff

    Life With Charlie!

    Aw, thank you guys! I'm glad you all find him cute just as much as I do, I really love him. :inlove:
  12. Nikki_Shortstuff

    Life With Charlie!

    Well, let me start by saying a very Happy New Year's! I hope everyone had a great Christmas too! Sorry it doesn't seem like I'm online much but trust me, I'm stalking all your posts without you all knowing it. :whistling So it's been a while since I updated my blog! Believe it or not it's been...
  13. Nikki_Shortstuff

    Life With Charlie!

    That y'all for the great advice you gave me on rabbit allergies! Sadly I cannot afford to get any allergy shots, I don't have insurance and I could never afford it anyways, but maybe one day! For now all I can do is try my best to prevent the problem. Going from pine shavings to recycled...
  14. Nikki_Shortstuff

    Brandy's Nut House

    That is a perfect (and adorable!) photo of Snickers! I wish my camera would take motion photos like that, every time I try to take one of Charlie doing something like jumping it comes out all blurred. :grumpy: Your bunnies are so cute!
  15. Nikki_Shortstuff

    Rabbits housed indoors -Do you ever let them outside??

    What I'm worried about is if Charlie gets a vitamin D deficiency from lack of sunlight. Will he be okay if I never bring him outside?