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  1. nalacirep

    Not pooping/eating very suddenly?

    We bought him new papaya treats yesterday and I noticed now on the ingredients that it has added colour in it, and he hasn't ate anything up until now that had added ingredients so I think I'm gonna go buy him new papaya now :/ I'm not sure if he ate pellets while I was asleep, it seemed like he...
  2. nalacirep

    Not pooping/eating very suddenly?

    He's back in his cage and he's eating his parsley and hay now and it's been about 10 hours since he pooped so I'm not sure if I'm just being paranoid or if there's something I can try to get him to poop?
  3. nalacirep

    Not pooping/eating very suddenly?

    So up until last night my bunny (almost 5 months old, holland lop) was eating and pooping normally, then I cleaned his litterbox, and when I woke up a few hours ago I noticed he hadn't pooped all night and he didn't seem to eat anything. I gave him his papaya treats and he ate that without a...
  4. nalacirep

    pasteurella advice: Going in circles with vets

    @bunbunsbinkies: He definitely hasn't gotten worse since the trip to the vet (thank god) but he wasn't sneezing for a few days and started that again. The vet I went to is approved by the HRS but I think I might go to another one to get another opinion :/ She told me I should bring him in four...
  5. nalacirep

    pasteurella advice: Going in circles with vets

    I'm starting to get a bit stressed out again because he started sneezing again tonight and started making funny whistling noises again when he breathes sometimes :/ none of the noises including the sneezing are loud, they're quiet and he hasn't made them since we were at the vets on thursday...
  6. nalacirep

    pasteurella advice: Going in circles with vets

    Oh okay thanks for getting back to me!! What brand of hay are you using? Because I feel like the dusty hay may have irritated my bunny a little. He's on alfalfa hay still so I'm not sure if timothy hay is less dusty or maybe it differs with brands??
  7. nalacirep

    Teeth grinding but he doesn't seem to be in pain?

    The vet I went to deals with rabbits specifically and she has co-owned the animal hospital for many years now, plus one of my friends with a rabbit also goes there. I'm not sure what a small dosage is considered by I'm supposed to give my rabbit 1mL once a day - just going by what I've seen from...
  8. nalacirep

    Teeth grinding but he doesn't seem to be in pain?

    The change in environment was what I was thinking it might be - especially if it has to do with litter/hay/heat. I started using carefresh a week before he went to the vet, so tomorrow i'm buying wood pellets instead. I also noticed sometimes the hay is dusty so I'll make sure to shake it out...
  9. nalacirep

    Teeth grinding but he doesn't seem to be in pain?

    Also regarding your comment on the apple sticks - does it have to strictly be apple? Because I have a lemon tree..would that yield the same results?
  10. nalacirep

    Teeth grinding but he doesn't seem to be in pain?

    Thank you for the dental help!! I'll get him some apple sticks and timothy hay cubes then! She was saying it's possible he'll need frequent trimming but hopefully that isn't the case :/ She said it was possible he was at the beginning stages of getting a URI/snuffles. I told her how he...
  11. nalacirep

    pasteurella advice: Going in circles with vets

    I'm having this same problem OP! I just got my bun a couple weeks ago and he's only 11 weeks and I took him to the vet a few days ago when I noticed similar symptoms as you did: he had a bit of a runny nose but his discharge was clear and there was no crust but you can tell it was damp and he...
  12. nalacirep

    Teeth grinding but he doesn't seem to be in pain?

    I'm a new bunny owner, I just got a holland lop a couple weeks ago and he's just about 11 weeks old now. I had to take him to the vet three days ago because it seemed like he was on the verge of having a URI, so while he was getting checked out by the vet, she noticed his top incisors were far...