Recent content by Lilmunster

Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. Lilmunster

    Microchipping bunnies

    I have my mini rex chipped. It was quick and easy. She barely even squirmed if at all. Its been over a year and we've had no problems.
  2. Lilmunster

    Training tricks

    Thanks for all the advice.
  3. Lilmunster

    Training tricks

    Do your buns respind to voice commands or lures? How do you teach them to give kisses?
  4. Lilmunster

    Training tricks

    I have a dog that is clicker trained. I want to clicker train my bun, Wednesday to do tricks. I just don't know where to start. She is super sweet and smart, she knows how to escape her cage if I forget to close it and how to con treats out of my parents. She is my profile pic.
  5. Lilmunster


    Menuka honey wound gel. I prefer this for every animal. It is made for humans, so it is more sterile. It has one main ingrident-menuka honey. It is safe to use because honey won't harm them if it is ingested. I used it on my sister's holland that got a quarter sized wound on her back. I put it...
  6. Lilmunster

    Rabbit Eye Problem

    What are they symptoms and treatment your bun has had? My sister's holland is allergic to all bedding and has a blocked tear duct. After antibiotics ad 3 different vets we only use a low dust cat litter in her litter box and a rubber stall mat on the bottom of her cage. As the seasons change her...