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  1. K

    Possibly pregnant

    Not sure where to post this, so I'm just gonna put it here. I feel like a terrible person, I live my rabbits but I feel like I've neglected my older female. I posted before about her being pregnant, she lost all the kits from the first accidental pregnancy but her second was intentional and that...
  2. K

    Mother and baby bonding

    My holland lops had babies a month ago, there were 3 but 2 were still born. We have 1 little girl who is growing pretty well for being a week and a half early. I know at 2 months they should be weaned from their mother, but has anyone kept their mother rabbit and a baby together? Koda, my mother...
  3. K

    Aggressive rabbit

    He isn't a caged rabbit, he has a cage but rarely goes in it. He is kept in my mother's room will full access, it's been like that since about a 2 weeks after getting him at 8 weeks. It's only the last few months that the agression has gotten worse and we cant think of anything that has changed...
  4. K

    Aggressive rabbit

    His behavior has gotten worse since his neutering. It's a slow change but looking back on how he was months ago vs now it's like a whole new rabbit. He lunges at my feet when I go in to feed and change his water, I haven't taken it seriously until now. He scratches and bites at my feel and pant...
  5. K

    Aggressive rabbit

    I am house sitting and got a call from my mom, her male rabbit attacked her female. He bit her face, I couldn't understand my moms description of the wound. All I know is that there was a lot of blood and it is a large hole. She is currently driving roughly 2 hours to the closest emergency vet...
  6. K

    Bonding questions

    Her male is neutered and she plans on getting her new female spayed when the vet gives the okay since she is too young right now. My mother doesnt plan on keeping them in the same area right away, since she would need to separate them for the surgery. I know she does want to allow them time in a...
  7. K

    Bonding questions

    I have bonded my 2 holland lop bunnies, male is 10 months and female is 8 months. My mom has a male mini lop who is 10 months, today she got an adorable female mini rex who is about 2 months. She asked me for help when it comes time to bond them, but I'd like some tips since my buns were just a...
  8. K

    Mother rabbit eating fur

    Yes her food has been increase and I actually use a smaller corner litter box for all my bunnies hay, and I keep it filled all day for her. I'm gonna keep an eye on her while I'm home and keep checking incase she is having more babies, I really hope she isn't though. Thank you for your help.
  9. K

    Mother rabbit eating fur

    My female Holland lop gave birth Thurday morning, we have one kit and as far as I can tell she is taking care of it. I came in about 10 minutes ago to clean out her litter box, she was sitting in it pulling out fur so I let her go. I realized she wasnt dropping it, she was in fact eating clumps...
  10. K

    Orphaned, not eating help!

    My holland lop had a surprise litter this past weekend and only 1 has survived. After a vet check on Monday I was told to treat it as orphaned because the mom was clearly not feeding and she doesn't have a lot of mammary development. Again this was an accidental litter and her first, I wasn't...
  11. K

    Newborn not peeing/pooping after eating

    I know that, the vet told me to supplement because she said it's clear that mom hasn't fed it enough. Also after checking mom, she said that there's not much mammary development. We gave mom and baby a quiet place, made sure no one went in the room but that we still had a way to watch from a...
  12. K

    Newborn not peeing/pooping after eating

    She has only nursed the baby twice since birth, I stayed up until about 1am, and then woke up at about 5am just to see if momma would do something but she wouldn't go near the nest even when the baby cried. After feeding I put the baby down and leave the room in hopes that she will clean it, but...
  13. K

    Newborn not peeing/pooping after eating

    Thank you! The vet encouraged us to monitor when the baby is with mom, as it's her first litter and she's already caused an injury. So I've been watching like a hawk, momma bun has had little to no interaction with the baby since our vet visit. She's more interested in trying to get out to the...
  14. K

    Newborn not peeing/pooping after eating

    So long story short, I have 2 holland lops, kept in separate rooms, male got out and got female pregnant, I didn't know until I stepped on the nest (rip 4 bun buns- 1 was clearly lost before that). I have 1 still fighting. Now to my problem. I took baby and mommy to the vet yesterday and they...