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  1. K

    Anyone have 2 bucks and a doe bonded.

    Ahh ok thankyou:)
  2. K

    Anyone have 2 bucks and a doe bonded.

    Ahh thanks thats loads of help, i can't waittill there lod enough and see Buttons with some friends, he's lookinglonely in the garden, bless. Will i need to seperate the babies whenthey hit maturity for any agression, and at one age. Will this break upthere bond. Sorry lots of q's very new to...
  3. K

    Anyone have 2 bucks and a doe bonded.

    Hi i currently have a mother with 3 kits, camefrom a breeder who wanted to sell them cheap asap so took them in. Ihave fallen in love with 2 siblings Poppy and Casper (buck and doe) assoon as they can both will be neuterd but i also have another buckButtons who i also plan to get neuterd he is...
  4. K


    Yep i just love him now and know atleast with me he's going to be cared and spoilt. I'm unsure of his breed though, does anyone know which type of lop he is. Small/medium?
  5. K


    Hello, i'm new here. I'm Kerry and live in North East of England. I have only one rabbit who sorta just fell into my lap, he was a stray and after no one came forward for him we kept him rather then send him to a rescue. He now has his own large hutch with attached run, plenty of toys...