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  1. K

    Bunny poop is weird and not eating?

    I just checked back with him and he has some formation of round fecal balls but still some mush as well. Also he just ate some critical care! Should i still treat this as an emergency?
  2. K

    Bunny poop is weird and not eating?

    My bunny, Pluto, hasnt eaten or drank anything today. I woke up this morning he did use his litter box well last night however this afternoon he's refusing to eat any veggies, banana, or pellets. I checked back an hour ago and his poop is quite mushy and is forming all together. (not like...
  3. K

    Bonding two boys

    Hi I’m looking for some bonding tips. I’ve watched several videos but most of them were through stress bonding. I’m not sure this is the best method for me because my younger boy is quite the sensitive baby. Some history on my bunnies: My older rabbit (Zeus about 6 months old) had a bonded...
  4. K

    Post OP feeding

    I was also told (by vet) to soak any hay I give him and cut it for him... but I’m unsure if he’ll even eat it or how long it takes to start getting gross or moldy... thoughts? Also where can I get black berry leaves I don’t think I’ve only seen the berry itself in stores
  5. K

    Post OP feeding

    Really? My doctor said it was a good idea to take away his hay and pellets for awhile. thank you so much for the advice with the veggies. My vet was very glad that I at least did that for him over the weekend. I did try the the force feed one more time... but I was very unsuccessful and think...
  6. K

    Post OP feeding

    She did not show me how to force feed. Should I give him greens as is? He only took a little bit of pellet mash.
  7. K

    Post OP feeding

    She recommended no solid foods for 5-7 days. So I’m assuming it’s because of the surgery. Although i feel it might be worse if he doesn’t eat at all. I tried to call emergency vet services today too for some advice... but unfortunately no exotic vets available:(
  8. K

    Post OP feeding

    I’m a fairly new rabbit owner and I am at a loss of what to do. I drive quite a distance to go to an exotic vet and I’ve been back there 3 times in the last week. I am exhausted and my bunny is refusing to take critical care. I’ve tried mixing it and mashing it with banana, pumpkin, a little bit...