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  1. JC-love

    Tell me about yourselves and your rabbits!

    Hi! I don't have my bunnies yet, they are too young to leave their mommy. So i am waiting :) But I go by Sam (full name is Samantha which is a nice name, but I don't care for it on me) I have been going by Sam (or Sammy) fro so long, I barely bat an eye if someone calls me by my full name...
  2. JC-love

    Getting prepared!

    Well now I may just stick to my original plan then lol Thank you! :)
  3. JC-love

    Getting prepared!

    I never thought about using a dog cage, I will check on prices and have to see what the better route for us will be. thank you for the idea! :)
  4. JC-love

    Getting prepared!

    So, I am starting the process of getting things done and ready for the new bunnies! I added a picture of the space I am working with. It's about 7'X3 1/2' (excuse the mess, we never fully arranged and unpacked from moving in over a yr ago.. lol) My original plan was to build a NIC type...
  5. JC-love

    Surprise Babies

    Too much cuteness! They are so adorable :)
  6. JC-love

    Dumor rabbit food?

    I will definitely do my best to give them the best care I can :D I love rabbits, the first one I had, I rehomed because he wasnt getting the attention he deserved. The last 3 I had, I had no control on it with moving and not being able to keep them. Now that I am on my own ( aside from the...
  7. JC-love

    Dumor rabbit food?

    The dr visis are about every 6 months. Its a kidney dr. And another dr I see in Ky I see about once a year. I would have to order them online if I dont do the dumor. I believe it was a 10 or 12lb bag. I dont remember lol it was 8.99 I think or around that. But more than likely ill buy a couple...
  8. JC-love

    Dumor rabbit food?

    It is definitely a headache lol ill check again and see what the contents and stuff is. I just breifly looked at it, and decided to ask people who actually know about rabbits rather than some one who probably dont. Im not to worried on price really. I know oxbow isnt much. I believe I found...
  9. JC-love

    Dumor rabbit food?

    So, I have been checking around my town on types of rabbit food, and other stuff. (checking prices, so I can get things ready for my 2 babies!) Mainly looking for Oxbow, I know that's good. So far, tractor supply is the only place I've found by me that sells rabbit food.:pullhair: They...
  10. JC-love

    A Pocket Pet Toy Giveaway!

    I would like to enter for my 2 future bunnies :)
  11. JC-love

    Surprise Babies

    I second that ^^ Peaches grew into such a beautiful rabbit :)
  12. JC-love

    Hello from IN :)

    haha I love when I get that :) Makes it worth the wait lol
  13. JC-love

    Hello from IN :)

    Haha he probably does :) Mine is the same, he will never admit he loves the animals, but I know better lol I havent looked to see how much it would be to order off amazon yet, it probably is cheaper though. I just hate waiting for the stuff to arrive lol
  14. JC-love

    Surprise Babies

    Especially the one sleeping in your hand, that is too cute!
  15. JC-love

    Surprise Babies

    Oh I am sure, how could you not love them! They're so :adorable: