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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. H

    Should the rabbitry become a private forum? (All May Vote)

    I'm not a breeder, but I love reading (I know I don't have many posts, but I do a lot of reading!) through the topics and posts, as I am seriously thinking about showing rabbits some time in the future and also becoming a breeder. I can understand the reasons for it to be private, but if there's...
  2. H

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

    Katmais_mommy wrote: Wait, Oliver Wood was in it?:shock: When? I completely missed that! I didn't even know he was supposed to be in it.
  3. H

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

    I saw it last night too! I'm not really picky about what they change in any movie, so I've liked them all! I loved Snape's part, they did a really good job with that! And all the fight scenes. So intense and exciting!
  4. H

    A few questions :)

    Thank you everyone for the answers! :) Just to clarify, I would not be leaving the cats alone with the rabbits. I don't want anything to happen, and all I want is for the rabbits and the cats to know that the others exist in the same household :) And the three bunnies have been adopted from...
  5. H

    A few questions :)

    I don't post often on this forum because I'm mainly reading, reading, "aww"ing at cute pictures, and reading some more :biggrin2: I currently don't have a rabbit, and have never owned one before. I was able to persuade my parents before about three years ago, about letting me get a rabbit. But...
  6. H

    New Cage :)

    That sounds like a great idea :) I'm sure he'll love the extra room!
  7. H

    New Cage :)

    That hutch looks really nice! I'm really liking it! Where did you get it? Also, your bunny is adorable :) I don't have any pictures because I don't have a rabbit. Hopefully someday soon!
  8. H

    The inn is full- 2 new bunnies!

    They are so adorable! I love both of their colors!
  9. H

    Homeless Man Jumps into river to save his rabbit

    That's such a great story :) And that picture is great, how the rabbit and dog just stay with him!
  10. H

    Bunny Bumper sticker I need to buy...

    I love that! That's a clever bumper sticker!
  11. H

    Fully recovered from my accident!

    That must've been very scary! I ride also, and have been in a few freaky situations, but never got hurt. That's great that you can ride again! How was he yesterday?
  12. H

    Hello from Belgium, EUROPE

    Welcome to the forum! It's wonderful here and you'll learn a lot :) Your rabbits are adorable! And don't worry, there are plenty of other members from many other countries :)
  13. H

    AHH - Went to mailbox and found a rabbit still alive that was hit by a car

    That's great that he survived! The rabbit looks very cute. And is that a deer? That's awesome that they're able to help all those animals.
  14. H

    AHH - Went to mailbox and found a rabbit still alive that was hit by a car

    Poor thing! I hope he makes it through the night. This is very kind of you to do, and I really hope the bunny will make it.
  15. H

    Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers

    Good luck! I just finished my finals (for high school that is, so not as intense, lol), but they only went for three days! Must be tiring. Hope all goes well!