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  1. Hollandblaze03

    Old bunny suddenly losing weight

    It also might be important to note that she was a brood doe before I got her. She have more litters than she probably should have so her quality of life really wasn’t great before I got her. This obviously took a toll on her body but it has never been this bad
  2. Hollandblaze03

    Old bunny suddenly losing weight

    Hello, I have a Holland lop who is approximately 7-8 years old. She has only been with me for 3-4 years but in her time with me I have never seen anything like this. Over the past 2-3 months she has lost a LOT of weight. She is practically skin and bones at this point but she is eating...
  3. Hollandblaze03

    New bunny supplies shop

    Ok, thank you! Sorry for replying so late.
  4. Hollandblaze03

    New bunny supplies shop

    *Admin please delete if not allowed* Hello! I recently started an Etsy shop to sell homemade rabbit supplies and toys. I will link that at the end so you all can check it out but I wanted some feedback on my shop and any recommendations for products I should add! Thank you! Link to my Etsy:
  5. Hollandblaze03

    Get to know each other game!

    I feel exactly the same way! I am currently doing online school so I don’t go out much but I get very very anxious when I do have to go out. The person below me has bred rabbits before.
  6. Hollandblaze03

    Get to know each other game!

    False! I am a very anxious person so I am an introvert. The person below me has rescued a bunny from a shelter.
  7. Hollandblaze03

    Doe nesting early

    We keep them inside in air condition. Could he still be heat sterile?
  8. Hollandblaze03

    Doe nesting early

    I’m not sure about internal fat buildup her stomach feels pretty firm right now and she’s pretty lean with a lot of muscle.
  9. Hollandblaze03

    Rabbits bonding instead of breeding?

    Great idea! Thank you. I’m not sure if she took but she destroyed her litter box last night digging. I’m hopeful!
  10. Hollandblaze03

    Doe nesting early

    Reese’s is 7 months old. The only other buck we might be able to use is 4 hours away
  11. Hollandblaze03

    Doe nesting early

    She JUST turned 4 last month. That’s why this would be her last litter. I think I am just going to retire her if she did not take this time. Reese’s is not proven. Is there any way I will be able to tell if he can’t produce? Everything down there looks good for him and he is very eager to breed.
  12. Hollandblaze03

    Doe nesting early

    She has always had nice litter usually 2-4. Her most recent litter was a litter of 4. (2 of the ended up dying due to a stress related illness. We don’t know why they were stressed but our best guess is that they had some veggies from their mom and that upset their stomachs). She is an amazing...
  13. Hollandblaze03

    Doe nesting early

    She is pretty slim and fit. (She kicks pretty well when she doesn’t want to be held) she is a very big girl but she is actually only about 3 pounds 8oz. She has really wide hips so she has never had problems with babies.
  14. Hollandblaze03

    Doe nesting early

    I had a pretty consistent amount of babies so I thought a waitlist would be a good idea. I was very wrong. I am a very anxious person and a waitlist is very stressful. I currently have 4 people on our waitlist. I was sure to make no promises other than if babies are born, they will have the...