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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. F


    Years ago I used to use them as a payload formodel rockets. The effect of high-speed travel on Peeps ispretty entertaining.
  2. F

    Sifting Feeders?

    You will have to pardon my endless ignorance onthe subject of bunny keeping, but it seems like there are a lot ofproducts available now that I never came across during my previoustenure as a house bunny slave. Why do some of the pellet feeders have a sifting grate? Danke.
  3. F

    Wire Dog Crate for Bunnies?

    Is that crate a Midwest? Looks justlike the two I have for my doggies. They are great, and verydurable. I really can't imagine a bunny being able to doanything to it that would hurt the crate or the bunny; everything thatis except the wire spacing. Luna, my 4 year old SiberianHusky actually got...
  4. F

    Wire Dog Crate for Bunnies?

    I did a "duh." I should have done asearch on here first. Apparently there are several Flemishowners that have used dog crates. Sorry about that. I will search first next time.
  5. F

    Wire Dog Crate for Bunnies?

    So last night I was crating my two dogs beforebedtime and started to think about why you couldn't just use acollapsible wire dog crate for a large-breed rabbit. Most ofthem have removable plastic trays that can be cleaned verysimply. Has anyone tried this?
  6. F

    Has anyone grown wheatgrass for their rabbits?

    You could have some fun with it and grow it on aChia head or something like that. The bunny could just eatoff of it. Or you could just grow some in the bottom of abrownie pan or something similar. It's basically a weed; aslong as it has water and a decent light source it's unstoppable.
  7. F

    Can Large breed rabbits be fullfilled living indoors???

    I am not sure how much different a true woodfloor would be, but I've got most of my house floored in Pergo (woodlaminate) and with two big dogs it doesn't scratch or peel or anythingelse. It's VERY durable. I wouldn't think the nailswould do much if any damage.
  8. F

    Hay Allergies

    Thanks for the response. Just a couple more questions. Not to sound like an idiot, but what's a haymanger?Are there any health issues to the rabbit if they eat analternative hay? Thanks, Chris
  9. F

    Hay Allergies

    Talk about your timely discussions. Ihad feared my wife was experiencing an allergy to the rabbit and hadn'tconsidered a reaction to the hay. After handling a bunny at a local shop; her eyes swelled up and turnedred. Very much like conjunctivitis. I will have todo some cruel experiments on my...
  10. F

    NEW MEMBERS (Feb. 2006 - Jan. 2007) CLOSED

    Greetings from Northern California! Many years ago I had a house bunny; a mini lop named Merlin.I shared my house with him until he passed. It's been about15 years since then and while I have wanted to add a house bunny,Ihad been reluctant since during the time between I hadacquired two rescue...