Recent content by emsbuns

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  1. emsbuns

    Hello from Canada!

    I absolutely love the name Teddy and he’s so sweet! It sounds like our bunnies are pretty close in age which is nice 😊 welcome!!
  2. emsbuns

    How should I punish biting?

    I’m not sure if this will work when it’s intentional biting of a territorial nature, but when Astrid bites me a little too hard, say, on my hand, I usually make a small, high-pitched (not too loud or harsh!) noise of pain and draw my hand away quickly. She seems to understand and stops biting...
  3. emsbuns

    Hello (finally!)

    Hi everyone! Just wanted to give you an update because I’m super appreciative of everyone’s concern and advice. I gave the vets a ring and asked about Astrid’s desexing and whether she might be too young still – the nurse checked her file from her last check-up with our vet and it turns out our...
  4. emsbuns

    Hello (finally!)

    Ah okay noted, thank you for the advice!!
  5. emsbuns

    Hello (finally!)

    That’s so kind, thank you ☺️
  6. emsbuns

    Hello (finally!)

    That’s very helpful, thanks so much!!
  7. emsbuns

    Hello (finally!)

    I’ve definitely noticed she’s been noticeably less good with using her litterboxes lately (she’s been leaving poops all over the place and peed on myself and my sister on separate occasions), despite having been very well litter-trained until like a week or so ago. She’s also been chewing up...
  8. emsbuns

    Hello (finally!)

    Hahaha I’ve heard many buns only accept fruit and their favourite veggies after surgery! I’ll make sure to have some on hand – how did you deal with your buck refusing water? :o
  9. emsbuns

    Hello (finally!)

    Thank you so much ☺
  10. emsbuns

    Hello (finally!)

    Hi! Thank you for the response! You’re completely right to point out the maths – I just checked the dates and I’ve actually had for just over a month (I got her early April) when she was 8 weeks old. It feels like it’s been wayyy longer haha! I was a bit concerned about how young she was for...
  11. emsbuns

    Hello (finally!)

    Hi everyone! I’m Em, and I’m a uni student living in Sydney :) I’ve been a member of the forum for a little while now but haven’t posted yet. In terms of why – it’s a long story, but basically my first ever bunny, a Netherland Dwarf named Leia, sadly didn’t make it very long with me at all and...