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  1. cheezling

    Rabbit Carry Baskets in Aus

    We used to have one like that for my cat but it was really quite flimsy. It's not really meant for pets that's why it was really cheap. I like the colorful ones though but no idea where you can get them. I think we got ours at some hypermarket but that was years ago.
  2. cheezling

    Does anyone want their bunny drawn?

    Could you please draw my Schnuffel? I'll also feature it on my blog and give you credit, of course. :)
  3. cheezling

    Bad mats under chin from antibiotics and juice

    Oh, sigh. I was hoping that maybe I could apply something that would soften them up and help me comb them out? He's been in and out of the vet's the past month due to an URI and the long car rides are really stressful for him. :(
  4. cheezling

    Bad mats under chin from antibiotics and juice

    Hi everyone, My Schnuffel has some really bad mats under his chin that seem impossible to clean. It's all thanks to the antibiotic/fruit juice combo that got spilled there about a week ago. Since he really struggles with syringe feeding and has an aversion to towels after being burrito'd, I...
  5. cheezling

    Bunny eating poop! (not cecals)

    Unfortunately, I can't get alfalfa hay where I live. Finding a good-enough pellet took me ages as most pet stores here only stock the muesli crap. He definitely doesn't eat all his poop as I find plenty of them droppings in the litter box so he's not ingesting copious amounts. As far as I know...
  6. cheezling

    Bunny eating poop! (not cecals)

    I have noticed my bunny eating his poop several times over the past few days (and no, it's not cecals. It's the actual round dropping with some undigested hay in it). Any idea why he might be doing that all of a sudden? I feed him unlimited timothy hay and unlimited tomothy-based pellets along...
  7. cheezling

    Baby Tans

    They're beautiful! I'd so get one if I lived closer. How big do they usually get, by the way? I'd really like to have another bunny that's a larger breed. =)
  8. cheezling

    Rabbit HATES to be Picked Up!

    Tell me about it! My bun hates being picked up, too. I thought he'd get used to it after 4 weeks of picking him up TWICE a day to give him antibiotics. But no. It's a struggle every single time. But with me it's the picking up bit that's the main problem. After I do pick him up, he settles down...
  9. cheezling

    Coco's first binky!

    Yes! :) Binkies are so fun to watch.
  10. cheezling

    Rabbit refusing to take medication ALL OF A SUDDEN

    Thanks for the replies. So my main problem is even when I put the syringe in his mouth he starts snorting and jerking his head. I am trying to burrito him but I am not sure if it's not tight enough or if I'm doing something wrong. He was completely fine when we were syringe feeding him Baytril...
  11. cheezling

    Rabbit refusing to take medication ALL OF A SUDDEN

    So sadly, the trick with the lettuce wraps didn't work. It's like the minute he smells the medicine, that's it. He refuses to take it and he really likes romaine lettuce. Had to force it onto him again. :( Is it possible that the meds have gone bad and that's why he hates them all of a sudden...
  12. cheezling

    Wanted to share this picture....

    Beautiful bunny! What breed is it? Looks a little bit similar to my bun who is about 4 months old now. When I got him his ears were tiny but they're growing bigger now and his fur is also longer like on yours.
  13. cheezling

    Rabbit refusing to take medication ALL OF A SUDDEN

    Thank you for the replies! The thing that puzzled me is that he really seemed to like the medicine before. He'd drink it from the syringe like a little baby and seemed it even want more. I will try to make romaine lettuce wraps and put some of it in it and see if he eats it (that's the only...
  14. cheezling

    Rabbit refusing to take medication ALL OF A SUDDEN

    So my bun has been sick for the past 4 weeks or so (runny, snotty nose, sneezing, etc.). He's been on oral antibiotics for the past 2 weeks and last Saturday his antibiotic got changed as the type of bacteria he has was resistant to the first type. Anyway, giving him the medicine with a...
  15. cheezling

    Getting Crowded

    She's beautiful! Would definitely adopt her if I lived in the area. And, I don't know much about rabbits breed but could she be a flemish giant cross? Her ears are quite large, too.