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  1. Bunnymama99

    Rabbit ate mini rolling papers...sos

    Thank you so much! You’ve eased my worries on this & regarding them holding out it’s been really stressing me out because they really make it look like they aren’t touching anything at all. Their water bowl was near empty this morning so they have throughout the night & I refilled it once I woke...
  2. Bunnymama99

    Rabbit ate mini rolling papers...sos

    This is embarrassing I don’t know if I should even mention this to the vet so I wanna see your opinions first before I actually get tooooo worried and freak out for no reason. We’ve all been there when our rabbits have ate something they shouldn’t of. Sneaky ones for real.. I had a pack of mini...
  3. Bunnymama99

    URGENT rabbit ate some chocolate

    Hi everyone I’m in a panic right now, last night I purchased edible double chocolate chip cookie was a bit too sweet for me so I took out some chocolate chips and put them in a napkin rolled up. I woke up around 7am & somehow my rabbits were in my room one ate through the napkin with...
  4. Bunnymama99

    Potty trained but peeing outside the box?

    Hi everyone, This week I’ve noticed one of my rabbits (female & spayed) started to pee outside her littler box? They both are potty trained (their cage I used for cage training became their potty) & pretty much self taught themselves. They are free roam her sister goes in and out the cage...
  5. Bunnymama99

    Anxious rabbit?

    Hello bun members, I just wanted to see if any of you guys had the similar situation or a personality trait in your bun to where he/she is just anxious. One of my girls I’ve raised since she was a baby pretty much she was two weeks older than her sister I had her first just solo for a week or...
  6. Bunnymama99

    should I be worried? Rabbit created hole through bed sheet..

    Good morning everyone, One of my buns last night thought it was a good idea to create a giant hole on a bed sheet that I was using to cover boxes in my closets.. I woke up to the sound of her scratching at it and nipping. Now my concern is, is it possible she ingested it??? I cant find peices on...
  7. Bunnymama99

    Sand for rabbits

    YEAH when I read that part I was like ?? Most people don’t really look deep into rabbit care like this. Nor do they understand rabbits are very delicate and complicated if something were to happen they aren’t like dogs or cats even when I first got mine all the things I found out were so...
  8. Bunnymama99

    Bonded bunnies suddenly Fighting

    Aw I’m sorry to hear they just started too :( and their fixed which is definitely odd, have you noticed either of them brushing their chins on any objects? Rabbits have glands under their chins so when you notice that they are actually marking their area it’s another way of claiming territory...
  9. Bunnymama99

    Sand for rabbits

    Yeah :( it’s truly not the greatest I remember once I asked my vet too because mine kept digging at corners in my house so I figured and my vet automatically suggested the shredded cardboard. THANK GOSH it was only 10$ just better safe than sorry! I’ve had many scares with my buns because they...
  10. Bunnymama99

    Sand for rabbits

    Sand is not typically safe for rabbits at all unfortunately :( it sounds like a good idea but isn’t at all. Due to consumption automatically your rabbit will nibble at it to catch a taste which is normal behaviour (it can cause major digestive issues, GI status etc), respiratory problems for...
  11. Bunnymama99

    Is a stuffed animal companion a good idea?

    Honestly I’d say it’s a good idea this helps out with vet visits too or wherever you have to bring your bun it’s always suggested to have something from home taken with them so they don’t panic and help them feel a bit comfortable. Just make sure to cut off the tags (when I gave my buns their...
  12. Bunnymama99

    My buns ate stryofoam “cranberries”! Advice needed:(

    Hello everyone, my two girls have been free roaming my room since they are recovering from spaying they didn’t want to be in the cage at all. They’ve had a speedy recovery I’d say especially with being active. Last night as I was asleep they were awake & turns out they got into a fake...
  13. Bunnymama99

    Urgent- found orange liquid from rabbit?

    Hello everyone, so this night I woke up two of my buns out of the cage. Somehow they managed to get out of the cage and decided to tip over my trash can when I was asleep!!I woke up too a full banana peel gone (it wasn’t even ripe), some tissue missing and with whatever in there chewed! I then...
  14. Bunnymama99

    Litter tray accident!

    Ohmygoodness so cute atleast they don’t think it’s a bed 😭😂 mine do
  15. Bunnymama99

    My rabbits foot is randomly bleeding??

    Hi guys, im a new member and a first time bunny mom so im definitely stressed whenever something seems to happen that’s concerning and today is one of those days. I let out my buns to free roam my room and i noticed there was drops off blood on the blankey my girl Dolce goes on and on there...